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How do I get him to ask me out? ILL ANSWER EVERYBODIES AND GIVE 10 PTS!!!? - Printable Version

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How do I get him to ask me out? ILL ANSWER EVERYBODIES AND GIVE 10 PTS!!!? - Jenni - 03-24-2014 10:45 AM

I think he likes me maybe. He would text me all the time, high five me when he saw me (they failed mostly) , and on instagram his friend commented "do you know -his name-, you should date him. Would u?" And I had a bf at the time (jerk) so I didn't wanna u know... I said yeah I guess. And then: but... In another comment. (Ooops) so I guess I didn't show much interest like saying hi when I saw him. And he sorta stopped saying hey when he saw me. He didn't reply to my text (hey). I thought he lost interest so I posted a cleavage pic and he liked it (i know). I posted a black screen with a Sad caption. (I know) He asked what's wrong and texted me and tried to make me feel better. Then it turned into a regular convo. He also inboxed me on instagram a vid of a song and at the end he said don't be sad keep your head up. He kept saying stuff like "my voice sounds weird because I'm tired" or stuff like he was insecure... So does he like me? How do I get him to ask me out? Plz help!

- Lexus - 03-24-2014 10:50 AM

He cares about you, but you just need to be patient and not force anything that isn't there yet. But if you want to Speed things along, then since it's almost valentines day, do somthing insanely cute for him, and he'll get the hint. But make it a surprise and don't mention it to him before hand. Answer mine???

- Charlie - 03-24-2014 10:53 AM


Lexus is wrong. Patience will not help you out here. Being patient will make him get bored of you and move on.

Bottom line: if you don't TELL HIM you like him, he will assume you don't like him, and he will move on. (In case you haven't heard, GUYS DO NOT UNDERSTAND GIRLS HINTS. WE ARE DUMB. YOU MUST TELL US.)

Now you probably are worried about looking like a fool. So you wanna know if he likes you. Right? Well the answer is, I'm 99.99% sure he likes you. It's literally basically guaranteed he likes you.

So I recommend you just casually ask him to go on a date sometime- ask him when it's just you two around. THIS WAY if he rejects you and says he doesn't like you? You can just say "ok that's fine... But this convo NEVER happened. Ok cool? Otherwise I'll deny it and make you look bad. Thanks" and then your rep is protected. Bam.