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My friend and i got into a fight and now my other male friend who i really care about is pissed what do i do? - Printable Version

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My friend and i got into a fight and now my other male friend who i really care about is pissed what do i do? - Laura - 03-24-2014 10:46 AM

Me and my friend got into a fight because she was writing stuff about me on facebook so i got pissed and fired back. I also found out she was mad of our close friend with my male friend. I really do care about him but he is really mad and will not talk to me. what should i do. He means so much to me and i cant lose him beacuse of this crap.

- lovebird - 03-24-2014 10:55 AM

If those people were true friends, they wouldn't do that to you. Sometimes, things happen that tell us who we should and shouldn't be friends with. What kind of friend writes things about her friend?

- M.i.s.s. - 03-24-2014 10:58 AM

to the other answer, you don't know if the asker was guilty of something. forgive your friend if you expect other people to forgive you, (say you're sorry, try to work out your problems) or just part ways