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My boyfriend still looks at his ex's facebook profile? - Printable Version

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My boyfriend still looks at his ex's facebook profile? - Vivi - 03-24-2014 10:47 AM

My boyfriend and I have been with each other shy under 3 years, we spend almost every day together and I love him very much. I found out he has been looking at his ex's (more like, he liked this girl while we were dating, and when we took a "break" he had kissed her about 2 years ago) facebook profile recently. I think I'm maybe overreacting a little, because he says he loves me and thing's have been the same like always. But I feel very betrayed and hurt, I thought he had gotten over her. He has told me countless times he was over her and that he didn't even care about her existence anymore. I don't want to go crazy on him or tell him off, but what is the right way to confront him maturely? Does he still like her? Is he not over her?
I'm so confused and hurt. Please help.

- antheao - 03-24-2014 10:54 AM

Hes not over her. Be careful

- princess - 03-24-2014 10:58 AM

He probably either misses her or is just thinking about the time they spent together. Dont say anything to him unless he does it again then tell him how you noticed he was on her profile

- Pamela - 03-24-2014 10:59 AM

No,he is not over her,tell him to block her facebook page and that now he is with you he needs to stop looking at her on facebook,from his reaction to your request you will know how he really feels because it should not be a problem for him to stop going on her facebook page, if he still want to look at her page you have your answer and you may have to move on.

- ? - 03-24-2014 11:08 AM

Try not to overreact or panic. It might just be general curiosity. He did care about this girl at one point, it's almost impossible that after loving someone, even if you don't anymore, that you won't still feel a little curious about what their lives have turned out like since not being with them. I'd let it go and try to forget about it. If it's really bothering you though, just tell him that you appreciate that you guys have been together for a long time, long enough for it not to matter anymore, but you can't help but feel insecure sometimes when he does stuff like looking up his ex because you really love him and it's like a slap in the face to feel that he still holds a torch for someone else.

- Duracellia - 03-24-2014 11:18 AM

It's probably a recon exercise to see who she's with now or what she's up to.It's a guy thing.Tell him how you feel.

- Tina - 03-24-2014 11:24 AM

Seems like he still cares about her,what she is doing,is she in a relationship or things?!why you dont talk with him seriosly and tell him that you preffer to brake up with him in a good way if he is still in love with her than continue this lie about you two?!Meaby this is not true but you have to ask him cause it dont seems all right ok?now plz can u asnwer mine someone here i need your help about my ex ...;_ylt=AvF_XKRvF3nmI7b_Dhb.m7Lsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20130701113929AASKvIa

- Oink - 03-24-2014 11:27 AM

First of all congrats on lasting almost 3 years!! Big Grin I don't think you're overreacting at all so don't worry Smile besides, you said it yourself you don't want to go crazy or tell him off (which would be overreacting a bit). The way to confront him maturely is to tell him how you honestly feel about the situation, and to talk it through. Ask him to tell you once and for all if he does still like her. Then tell him how you feel about him looking at her facebook profile. Hopefully, if he's mature, you'll be able to talk it out Smile If he is over her, he should reassure you that there is nothing going on. If he's a good bf he should respect AND understand your feelings and how you feel hurt. Ask him how he'd feel if the situation was reversed and you were looking at your ex bf's facebook profile! Since his actions are hurting you he should stop looking at her profile. Is your bf and his ex still friends outside of facebook? That would explain him looking at her profile...but if not, well, then he should respect your feelings and stop looking at her profile! He has you, so why does he still need to look at her?

- Veneta - 03-24-2014 11:30 AM

I'd say there is still something unfinished between them.
In my opinion, if you've got over someone, there is no reason to look at their profile or care where they are, what they do, who are they with. Unless you had been very good friends before the relationship took place and you managed to keep the friendship after breaking up. But people with those kind of post-relationship friendships usually don't try to hide anything from their current parnter, not hiding the fact they keep in touch and even going out together with all their friends. If there is nothing to hide, one wouldn't keep the ex away as a secret contact.
If someone feels completely happy and satisfied with his current relationship and doesn't have some issues from past relationships, maybe he won't feel the need to check on their ex, no matter whether to make sure they are alone, unhappy, miserable and broken now (you know, sometimes people want to see there is a revenge for that person had hurt them in the past), to check whether they are available for a second-chance affair (hopefully not) or just curiosity brought him to the profile.
I think checking the ex's profile, chatting with her or calling her maybe means he got hurt by her in the past and wants to see her not happy now without him, or maybe he's hurted her and now he feels he has to make it up to her. I don't know for sure, but if that continues happening over and over, you should have a word with him in the most calm and non-blaming way and ask him why he does that and let him know that it bothers you and you don't feel good when he does that. You got to let him know it is not as if you don't mind him doing that, because you will keep on worrying and he might never notice that. I believe he will be able to quit checking her profile, if that really doesn't mean anything to him. If it is too important for him and he couldn't live without doing that (a little bit over exaggerated, but you got my point), then it's too bad for him.
But first of all, talk to him. When you know his true reasons, you'd be able to decide what to do.
Good luck and take care!

- Lauren - 03-24-2014 11:33 AM

He might just want to see how she is doing why don't you bring her up one day, if her reacts little to her name then chances are her isn't in to her but if he's get defensive over her he probably ins't ever her.