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Entire life revolves around this? - Printable Version

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Entire life revolves around this? - helpmeeee - 03-24-2014 10:47 AM

Heres a little story that scared me for life.
In 10 th grade i saw this girl. I never talked to her because of my social anxiety disorder. I also stutter ALOT so when im nervous i cant say a single word without messing it up.
Years passed, and now im in college( im gonna fail college miserably btw) sad alone and feeling empty.
I still think about her everyday and its killing me inside....... Any advice please??

PS: Its very hard for me to start a conversation with people, especially girls, i dont know what to do ;(
Thanks Greg, you are a good person.

- Rodica - 03-24-2014 10:51 AM

You can start with: Hello! How are you?

- Greg - 03-24-2014 11:00 AM


I'm sorry for the pain that you are feeling. I do care. My wife and I will pray for you.

Christ called the Holy spirit "the comforter". He also said, Ask and you will receive, and how much more will God give good things to those who ask him. Pray that he will send the comforter to sustain you, comfort you and relieve you of your anxiety.

The scripture says, "as a man thinketh in his heart so is he". Much of our distress is in our thought life. It occurs to me that the girl of your dreams, may be an imaginary girl one that does not remotely resemble the girl in 10th grade. You would do well to tell her good bye and release her, so that you can get on with your life. There is nothing we can do about the past, but the future is ahead of you. What a good way to start the new year.

Here is an ancient Chinese philosophy that I believe with all my heart. It is supported by the scriptures.
"the key to ultimate happiness is to let go of worry and regret and to know that being happy is one of lifes most satisfying feelings. allow positive and uplifting thoughts to outshine and overwhelm any sadness which may me hidden in the recesses of your mind. Knowing that disease and disaster are a natural part of life is the key to overcoming adversity with a calm and happy spirit. Happiness is waiting for you, only you can choose whether or not to experience it.

I worked with a man who was a mill manager of a facility of 750 people, which spent a million dollars a day. He was a stutterer. I always admired how he overcame this impediment. Everyone love him.

- Bud B - 03-24-2014 11:01 AM

Try these resources: there are videos online that show speech therapists working with stutterers; watch them and learn some techniques.
Meet others who stutter here
Stuttering Foundation and Stuttering Community on Facebook

"Self Therapy for the Stutterer" published by The Stuttering Foundation worked wonders for my family members who stuttered after working through it step by step. The book can be found here
It is great for those who do not have access to speech therapy.

Advice to Those Who Stutter book

Great Video Advice for those who stutter

The Foundation also has a list of speech therapists worldwide who have been trained to work with stutterers.

- ❤MomOfTwins❤ - 03-24-2014 11:05 AM

hey, hope you feel better.
I think you need to see a shrink to help you rebuilt your confidence. a speech therapist too.
My mom stutters. My brother had a hard time with this when he was really young. but speech therapy helped.
my son to had this problem for few days.

that girl, well let her be in the heart and move on. Meet new people and focus on YOU.
