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Something is wrong with my facebook. PLEASE HELP!!!!!? - Printable Version

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Something is wrong with my facebook. PLEASE HELP!!!!!? - Daria - 03-24-2014 10:48 AM

There are so many ads on my facebook, like EVERYWHERE on facebook. And they're not just simple ads that you get on the right side of your facebook. They're all about dating sites and losing weight, just like on myspace!!
Also, in the right corner of my facebook, near the "Account" there is a section "Change Background" and I can select a different theme.

This is really slowing down my computer, what should I do?

- spam_free_he_he - 03-24-2014 10:58 AM

If you think Facebook has something to do with singles and dating, you have much more serious problems.

Facebook isn't real life, spend time with people you want to get to know.

As far as your computer slowing down, post your question in the "Computers and Technology" section.
