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Ex girlfriend broke up with me but..? - Printable Version

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Ex girlfriend broke up with me but..? - giganticgun464 - 03-24-2014 10:49 AM

she doesn't want me to remove her from all social networking sites. She says it would make her feel awkward, so when I try to talk to her on them it's like pulling teeth/making conversation with an armadillo.. it's very short responses, like she's angry with me.

But when I told her I was moving on (I used the wrong term), her responses were rapid and more detailed, it was like she wanted to talk to me. She even said goodnight..

lots has happened since then and she told me she wants our conversations to be like that, but I feel that was just a fluke.

why was it like pulling teeth?
why were her responses rapid?
why does she want our conversations to be like that?

- athena.bond42 - 03-24-2014 10:57 AM

Whatever the reason was that she broke up with you, she's not ready to move on, or let go of you entirely.. so the thought of you moving on made her a little clingy. That's why she started writing quick responses. She may be regretting her decision to break up with you, but can't say it, so she's acting a little strangely, i.e you having to pull teeth to get much etc..

I think you should let her know that you're open to being friendly "but". Say "if it will make you feel better, we can remain social media buddies, but we're not together anymore, so things will be different."

I'm not sure why she broke up with you, but she seems a little confused. If you want her back, keep your distance until she asks to talk (she will). Then play it cool. Let her know she can's just snap her fingers and get you back, otherwise once she does (if she does) she'll break up with you again. Ask her to explain why she broke up with you and why she wants to come back.

If you don't want her back, then do what's best for you. If that means cutting her off social media then do it.