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what should i do? my friend is getting really annoying!? - Printable Version

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what should i do? my friend is getting really annoying!? - kojo - 03-24-2014 10:49 AM

ok so my friend is from japan i met him at the begging of the school year then overtime we beacme quite close but our first fight was the second week of the school year beacuse i was new i needed a buddy to show me around and stuff then he told me to stop following him around and find my own friends but later i forgave him then we became friends again then one day he just got mad at me for no good reason and he would not even tell me wat i did to offend him! the next day he said he forgives me.

a few months later there was this girl in our grade (8th grade) and he wanted to know who she liked so then she told me then i told him who it was bcos i thought we were friends then after class they went to yearbook together and he claims she told him really personal things so i begged him to tell me then i realized he was lying then i said i wont tell you what she told me so i promised her i would not tell anyone anything so i told him white lies then the next day he gets mad at me then he starts telling everyone im a bitch and dont be his friends but thankfully nobody did that but the point is he gets really sensitive and mean like really mean and he told everybody including the people who used to make fun of me who i like. then he got punched by one kid then he started crying and insulting him then within 5 mins he foragve him and me his only friend it took him like 2 weeks i was so depressed then later on after he forgave me wed had another fight this was even worse than before i wont go into detail over here but he was so mean to me and that week we got a new student and he was that persons buddy then he started spoiling me to him.

after the winter braek i started to bring my i pad to school then he constanly uses it . he uses it more than me even he starts taking pics and saiving them then he even downloads apps on it then he starts telling people in his spanish class its his beacuse of him i have no more space on it and he keeps using my dads credit card then i am the one who gets into trouble then one day it was just me him and the teacher and the teacher was saying he needs to lock the class and go home so he closed my ipad cover then went to go get his bag so i picked it up then my friend starts yelling saying dont touch it im playing a game then he gets angry then storms out the door then later on facebook he is like "im not very apreciated with your attitude " his exact words
but now my parents took it away from me . so today i realized he does not want me around we used to go with eachother almost everywhere with our two other friends . he was using his computer and my other friends and i were just looking at what he was doning then he syays i dont like it when people looks at his scrren then one of my friends was like fine i willl leave then he says im not talking to you i was talking to him then he forced me to leave . i really do not know wat to do right now please help!
we are in eight grade

- Chirag - 03-24-2014 10:55 AM

Talk to him clearly 'u are my frnd. Or not? ' 'why u treat me like a enemy? '

then u listen his ans.

U'll get ur ans. After that ans.