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why are all my friends on facebook ignoring me? - Printable Version

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why are all my friends on facebook ignoring me? - D. - 03-24-2014 10:51 AM

only one person says hi to be or replies to my posts and mesages on their wall and that's my old highschool friend faith but everyone else on my facebook seems to be very self centered and only cares about popularity and having a certain amounts of friends. I try to be nice and say hi or comment on their status but they just ignore me to talk to their other friends. The friends I have on there I actually know from my old highschool and my new college. I have 72 friends. They mostly add me because i'm their classmate or co worker but they never talk to me. I even said happy birthday to 10 people on there and they all ignored me and then said thank you to their other friends. How do I be nice to people who act like this. They also do this in person and in public. Only my family and my two friends faith (the only girl on facebook who talks to me) and johanna (my friend at my new school who doesn't have a facebook.)
It annoys me because these people are a waste of space on my profile. I mean if they really don't like me and don't want to talk to me and acknowledge my existence why the fuck do they keep adding me. I don't spend my time adding these people they keep adding me and they never talk. I had more friends before having 72 friends but I removed a few because it's been 4 years they were on my profile and they just ignore me or never said a word to me. It's really annoying.
It annoys me because these people are a waste of space on my profile. I mean if they really don't like me and don't want to talk to me and acknowledge my existence why the fuck do they keep adding me. I don't spend my time adding these people they keep adding me and they never talk. I had more friends before having 72 friends but I removed a few because it's been 4 years they were on my profile and they just ignore me or never said a word to me. It's really annoying.
Thank you Lele and yes I do live in a mean city. People will push other people where I live and never say excuse me.
gin: i know what you mean they only talk to me when my birthday comes. That's why this year i'm hiding my birthday to only me to see who really cares enough to remember or say happy birthday.

- Lele - 03-24-2014 10:56 AM

Sounds like you live in a mean city. Just keep trying.

- gin - 03-24-2014 10:59 AM

your right facebook is mainly about people showing off they add you because they want more '' friends'' the more friends the more popular they appear. Johanna doesnt count as a facebook friend because , well she doesnt have a facebook so i would just delete these losers

fun fact : 219 friends about 14 talk to me and the rest only reply if you say happy birthday or nice picture they never say it first

try talking to then in real life more ( individually ) so if dealing with a group talk to each one individually and the whole group's outlook on you will change and you may be included in that group or etc etc
1. delete facebook
2. talk to everyone whom you wish to talk to ( takes about 1 month or 2 per about 8 people )

i was more '' popular '' 2 years ago random/unexpected people talked to me etc etc , but now
nobody pays any attention to me ( i really dont care i have better things to do ) I HATE FACEBOOK i only have it because i talk to some people and if i want to discuss something or plan something

what i did was wait into my birthday and see who wrote on my wall ( not just happy birthday ) those are friends, fake friends wont even click

so dont worry about it hang out with your real friends in person who cares if its one

besides im sure a kind sounding person like you has somthing better to do

when your all alone the only one you can trust is yourself , zetsu