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i just got dumped by text? - Printable Version

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i just got dumped by text? - miss unfortunate - 03-24-2014 10:54 AM

my bf asked for space last week after he sent me A VOICEMESSAGE by accident that he was planning to break up with me on valentines day and take this girl to a hotel we had planned to stay and celebrate valentines together, he spoke so vilely infront of some girls and his friends in the background. I was with this man for 2 years and the last 6 months for great but just after xmas it started to become clear he was pushing himself further from me and was very cold. Last week he went out which is when he sent that voicemessage by accident. He refused to take me with him after i asked if i could come and to my amazement i realised he went to test the waters with other girls.

i listened to the message and i was so distraught but i didnt want to lose him so i texted him and emailed him and begged him to give us a try he txt bakc after a few hours tellin me to never contact him again, I did as he said and i cried and cried i couldnt even sleep, the next day he txt saying the voicemessage was a bad joke and he wants time apart to see how he feels in his head and whether its a good idea to get back together.

today he tx me sayin he wants us to go our separate ways. he tried to call me but i ignored him as why should i be friends with a guy who manipulated me to believe every fight was had was my fault,, made me cry every other night and made me feel vulnerable that i was good enuff for him as i started to feel that maybe i wasnt attractive anymore.

i told him i never wanted to see or hear from him again as he is vile and so horrible as he is now seeing someone else who he will have sex with on valentines day after just meeting her last week. I feel used and so angry.

I wish karma hits him i really do. I stopped eating and sleeping properly for someone who just didnt want to love me after all, he couldnt even say this to my face as he said he doesnt see the point of meeting me as it wont benefit us. then how can we be friends if he cant even say this to my face. I never want to see this person in my life ever. I wish i never met him i wasted 2 years of my life with him,

This is the person i thought i would marry but how wrong was i. I feel such a fool i gave my body and soul to this man and for what.

- maureen Katherine - 03-24-2014 11:02 AM

This is horrible. You will find someone else

- Legend of Ozil - 03-24-2014 11:08 AM

you've to be Hurt by Love in order to find True Love

- Vikings - 03-24-2014 11:12 AM

I am so sorry that happened. That was horrible what he did.

- litulana - 03-24-2014 11:15 AM

what a horrible, manipulative fuker. I hate guys who do this.

from what i have observed from friends you could do one of two things.

1. find the girl, meet one of her friends, meet her and tell her lots of bad things about him. one of them could be no matter what he never wears a condom and you got lucky. or he will jack off in front of you and not care

2. (my most liked) stand your ground and dont show him your sad. if you have tons of friends, PARTY HARD!!! if he is a friend on facebook definatley post it he may just take a look and see your happy. Dont throw yourself back into the pond. Take a look around and do fun single stuff and forget about him (she is probably got an STD or has AIDS lol).

A good cry is good too, its not weird to cry, its naturally but just dont do it for so long. if you been crying for under a week it would be a good time to stop. Try finding a celeb you like and crush on him, plan a future wedding a stuff, its fun!

If the soul less bastard ever does see you again for lunch or something try say something like (if you had sex with him) "the sex was good but if only you were 'enter celebs name here'". Its like kicking them in the groind.

Hope it helps x Smile