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How do I delete an old facebook account I no longer have access to? - Printable Version

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How do I delete an old facebook account I no longer have access to? - ashley - 03-24-2014 10:55 AM

Okay, just to start, I was a strange, demented child...

When I was younger (like 12) I made about 7 facebook accounts, and one of these accounts has some really weird photos of me on etc, and I really want the account deleted... Unfortunately, I do not know how to get onto these accounts, because I do not know what emails and passwords I used... Is there any way I can have this account deleted? It's really starting to worry me now.
Thanks for anyone who gives me an answer Big Grin

- Mr Unknown - 03-24-2014 11:04 AM

once a pics on fbook it cannot be deletd and neither can the account but you can delete all your friends on that account so no one will be there to view them in the pics are then put on private settings

- Sabri - 03-24-2014 11:12 AM

You can't delete facebook accounts, but you can deactivate them (pretty much the same as deleting, but you'll have the option to reactivate the account), and while the account is deactivated, no one can see your photos, it will be like you're account isn't even there.
To do that... Go to Account Settings > Security... at the bottom of that page you'll find "Deactivate your account.", click it, enter the password, and your account will be as good as gone.\
If you want to reactivated just log in normally.

- Smokies Hiker - 03-24-2014 11:16 AM

You can permanently deactivate your facebook account, but the account and the contents belong to facebook, and unless there is a very, very good reason for the account to be taken down, it's facebooks property and they will leave it there for the numbers.

- Crazyearthquake172 - 03-24-2014 11:17 AM

If you can remember what the details were to log on , log into it then go to here to delete