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Why are Facebook so keen to impose the timeline layout? - Printable Version

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Why are Facebook so keen to impose the timeline layout? - bill g - 03-24-2014 10:57 AM

Facebook seem very keen to impose the timeline layout; they've transformed all pages for groups, musicians, etc to timeline, and if you want to use an app on facebook, agreeing to use it often entails that your page become transformed to the timeline layout, and you can't go back. But timeline is dreadful, it's a mess to look at, and it lacks the ease of flicking through another person's details which I think is what draws people to Facebook.

I appreciate that people like it for its awesome customizability, but that's something of a 'me' thing, rather than a social thing. Timeline seems to encapsulate much of the 'myspace philosophy' of social networking sites, and of course, myspace has largely fallen out of use thanks to Facebook's more socially-oriented philosophy. Since timeline threatens to undermine that approach that made Facebook distinct, I wonder why facebook are so keen to make it widespread.

- Heyyee Lolnoobs - 03-24-2014 11:01 AM

Because facebook is evil, they don't let you change back after you have activated timeline and i can't personally see the attraction to it.

- Sam - 03-24-2014 11:05 AM

there trying to make it better but there making it worse, twitter has took over facebook and facebook are trying all they can to be the best, but it's failing