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Is there a (paid consulting?) service which can setup my facebook/google+ privacy settings for me? - Printable Version

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Is there a (paid consulting?) service which can setup my facebook/google+ privacy settings for me? - Patrick - 03-24-2014 10:57 AM

I would like to use them, but I've heard horror stories about how much is open to public viewing (unless you do 20 complicated things to safeguard your privacy!). I need to keep my professional and private lives separate.

- TEX4S - 03-24-2014 11:00 AM

LOL Your paranoid.

And what do these "people" who tell you this crap do for a living ? Im guessing its not in IT security.

Common Sense is the best defense and you fail miserably.

But, what is it you want hidden ? WTF are you doing ? You are wanting to pay someone to set up an fb account and google+ ? You realize you dont have any real options in the setup config pertaining to security, and you would be paying for nothing.... no, of course you dont know that...

"open to public viewing" - if you dont use your name - nobody is going to waste their time tieing anything back to you - do you honestly think anyone cares so much about what you post on fb they are going to heuristics & forensics on you ?

Seriously, you have either watched too many idiot movies, or are listening to the wrong people who are the conspiracy theorist morons.

Unless you are threatening the POTUS, or trying to hack the Pentagon - nobody gives a rats @ss what you do. If you dont want it to be traced back to you by the layman - dont use your name - problem solved.

Im not saying its not possible to track - but why would anyone waste their time on you ?
Im not a fan of "Security through Obscurity" but you really need to check your sources and have a warm cup of reality.

- . - 03-24-2014 11:02 AM

I think the previous answer is over reacting. I personally know people who have been fired because of a post they made on one of these sites, so I can understand people wanting to make sure their stuff is private. No, it wasnt anything related to national security, and no, the post wasnt found because someone was running forensics on the account. One person had their profile public and a coworker saw the post complaining about the boss. I know someone else who got fired for posts they made about a situation at work, someone saw it, said something to someone else, who said something. It eventually got back to the boss that this person was posting about this situation. I am aware of 3 other situations where people i personally know have been fired for facebook posts... people who were NOT under national security or threatening the pentagon.

I dont think the person was asking about the back end security details of these sites, but the privacy settings in your account settings that you *can* alter. And facebook at least changes their privacy settings ALL THE TIME. You have to keep on top of that so you know what settings are available and how much of your profile is open to the public. Facebook's settings arent complicated so much as they change them so often its hard to keep up with.

I dont know of a business that will do this for you, but I bet there is one out there. However, I really would recommend learning these sites and how to manipulate the privacy settings if you are going to use them at all. That way there is no middle man and you will know you have the settings you need.

- Daniel - 03-24-2014 11:05 AM

How About you Set them Up your Self Instead of Wasting your Money Getting Someone Else to Do It For you