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Why did this girl block me on instagram? - Printable Version

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Why did this girl block me on instagram? - john - 03-24-2014 10:57 AM

So I used to talk to this girl all the time, it always seemed like she liked me. Normally when guys(or anyone) talks to her she seems to be kinda quite, like she doesnt care much, but with me she would always smile and get all excited when I talked to her. So eventually I asked her out and she said yes, but alot of people started to start rumors about us(including one saying I was just trying to bang her) so I told her that we should hang out but with friendship in mind. She told me then that she had a bf and that she couldnt(but apparently he was total cool with me dating her) so I said it was cool. The next day someone ask if she was into me and she said no that we were just friends, then she started balling and saying she did know what to do and never said why. So we stopped talking, but she started doing thinks like showing up randomly where I am during school constantly, staring at me all the time, and asking my friend if im dating anyone. This has been going on for like 4 months now, and the other day I made an instagram. I saw she was one of following suggestions but I didnt follow her. A couple of days later I started thinking maybe I should try to be her friend again so I decided to follow her. But when I went to follow her she had blocked me?? I really dont understand this I wasnt following her looking at her profile or liking any of her pictures, I look at her sometimes to see if she is looking at me. I dont think she thinks im a creep because I havent done anything to make her think that, plus we're still friend on facebook. So why did she block me?? Any ideas??
I do still like her but I dont know why? I cant seem to get her out of my head.

- sookie sookie - 03-24-2014 11:01 AM

it soudns like her bf heard the rumors about you and doesn't want you two to be friends. sorry

answer mine too pelse

- Ruby - 03-24-2014 11:07 AM

I guess she expected u for a long time to add her as a viewer and follower for ur page, but she waited far too long - so decided out of madness to randomly block u at once.

But generally this entire story is weird. I mean it sounds like u both like each other and then what kind of a bf she has (sure he is not serious about her letting her date several guys at once).

Maybe what u need to do - is come over to her some time at school and be like friendly and ask "btw did u actually block me on instagram?" - I am sure she is gonna be embrassed and tell u some excuse, that it wasn't her, or maybe some mistake happened. At least ur not hiding from it - so she is most likely gonna talk to u again.

I did block some guys before- and when some of them ask whether I did that and why - I get embarassed and add them back again lol