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Should i talk to my crush/best girl friend at school today? I will answers yours.? - Printable Version

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Should i talk to my crush/best girl friend at school today? I will answers yours.? - gfffgbhrd - 03-24-2014 10:58 AM

Well we talked for about two months and we got really close to each other and she called me a brother to her. All we really did though is text. We would text everyday in the morning when we were on the bus, at school, on the bus after school, and all day after school, so almost 24/7 besides sleeping. But every good thing must come to an end so texting just happened to slow.

Now it gets confusing. A few days before Christmas, I texted her and we talked for about ten minutes until she said she was wrapping presents so she had to go. I texted her the next day and no response and then on Christmas I said merry Christmas with no response. About three days later i was just going to say hey one more time and just if she doesn't answer i would quit bothering her. Also not to sound super clingy. But with my luck her mom texts me and says she is grounded from her phone for right now. So it was kinda embarrassing for both of us and mainly me.

So now go backwards about a week. We werent talking as much so i was going to stay after school and help her on homework. Also i wanted to try to talk more in person. But i talked to her and all i basically felt when i was around her is that she was acting really weird. She a mixture of shy, sad, mad, happy. So just all weird and that was really awkward for both of us.

I would try and help her and she would ask the teacher, or i would see if she would copy and she would say that we shouldnt because it isnt right to copy. So she was acting kinda goody goody just a little. Also if I talk to her she is paranoid that she might get in trouble so i dont want to annoy her while she is trying to get stuff done

Now, we havent talked in 2 weeks, I was going to stay after school today. I was just going to talk to her about how her break went. Also i was going to ask if I am making her mad at all, but she has no phone, and I dont want to have a serious conversation when this is the only time i get to see her and its a bad time to talk.

I have two guesses right now, because she unfollowed me from instagram, unfriended me on snapchat, and she deleted her facebook account. So i think her mom made her do this stuff, but she might be mad at me because of this., I think that she is getting bad grades in school and i am in one class that she is getting a bad grade in and I think she might of told her mom that I was a distraction. But her mom knows i am a really nice boy to her and i text her everyday. So her mom might not like me anymore, and everyone's just mad at me and i am so confused.

So should i talk to her at school today because i dont know if she loves me or hates me right now and this has happened before where i thinks shes mad at me and she is so happy to hear from me though when i do talk to her. We always make weird eye contact in the hallways too, she acts like she wants to talk and interact but is shy, and the shyness might not be because she likes me more than a friend.

Thanks for reading, I hope you can help. I hope it isnt too confusing for you. Just ask for more details if you need it

- Kayla - 03-24-2014 11:05 AM

first things first, im guessing age is around 8th - 10th grade, somewhere in that area. but she just might be going through something right now. girls are like that. and for talking to her, im not gonna tell ya what to do, but maybe u could ask her if anything is wrong, cuz she seems different lately. something short and simple without prying, but u still get to know whats going on. and if she says nothing's going on, well tell her if she ever needs to talk, ur there for her. just assure her that ur there for her. and u never know, maybe she thinks ur acting differently, so she's acting differently. but girls can be like that.

and one more thing, have u been hanging out with anyone new of gotten and new friends that u spend a lot of time with seeing a she hasn't 'been around' much, she might feel like u don't need her and that she should stay away from u, its called jealousy, and girls can become it VERY easily.

I hope this helps, but uk ur friend better than I do, so sorry if this is way off or something. =)

- Scribble - 03-24-2014 11:12 AM

Dude...just talk to her if u talk to her she will know u care for her

- ramcharger - 03-24-2014 11:17 AM

either ask her how she feels face to face or be patient and wait until she gets phone priviliges again and see if she communicates with you then.

- Lettuce be friends - 03-24-2014 11:26 AM

'Yes, very sensible... People die of common sense, gfffgbhrd. one lost moment at a time. Life is a moment. There is no hereafter. So make it burn always with the hardest flame.'