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How much should 14 year olds weight? - Printable Version

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How much should 14 year olds weight? - Jade - 03-24-2014 10:58 AM

I'm 14 and I'm wondering how much we should be in kilos and what is the kilos size for a healthy eating teen?

- Ayleen - 03-24-2014 11:04 AM

Depends on your height.

- happylackyjacky - 03-24-2014 11:10 AM

The amount you should weigh is actually based on height, not weight. I'm guessing you are a girl. Due to social media these days a lot of girls your age are dieting and stuff so they may weigh less than they should. Also if a fourteen year old is very tall, she should weigh more than a fourteen year old who is very short. If you are average height healthy weight for you would be 45(on the low side) - 60 kg but above 60 is ok if you are tall, or you have a lot of muscle or if the weight is distributed evenly. Average weight in my opinion is 55kg, but it actually depends on your fat and muscle build. I am 53 kg but since I have muscle it doesnt look much like it. A girl in my class who is 55 kg looks about twice my size with a massive stomach, because fat weighs more than muscle, and she has a lot of fat.
Please take the BMI calculator which determines a healthy weight for your height if you are concerned:
Keep in mind the calculator doesnt take into account people's proportions of fat and muscle.
I am a fourteen year old girl too by the way.
IF you are eating healthy and getting 1 hour of exercise a day, you shouldnt have anything to worry about, the weight evens out as you grow taller but this is the age that if you eat unhealthy and gain a lot of weight, it will be harder to lose it when you are older. Our metabolisms are quiet fast at this age but we are also developing, getting wider hip bones, gathering fat in our stomach areas too, which was very frightening for me but its part of turning into a woman.
A healthy eating teen is about 50-55 kg but that is just an estimation, I am 160 cm and 53 kg but all my fat is pretty much on my stomach, I'm pear shaped.
Anyway, hope I helped.
Dont be too hung up on weight, you dont want to be caught in the trap of an eating disorder, very bad experience with bulimia myself by the way, I gained about 10 kg so dont go to drastic measures to lose weight
Bye Smile