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Do you think Senator Haley has gone too far with gun proposals? - Printable Version

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Do you think Senator Haley has gone too far with gun proposals? - Felonious Monkey - 03-24-2014 10:59 AM

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley says she supports a proposed bill that would make it legal to carry guns without a permit or training, The State newspaper reports.

No training? That's crazy. We can't just dump guns onto the streets without teaching people proper gun use. Gun deaths would skyrocket.

What is Senator Haley thinking?

- Andrew - 03-24-2014 11:03 AM

You definitely have no idea what you are talking about. In most states right now consumers can buy most of the long guns (rifles and shotguns) without any training what so ever. Only in few states to buy handguns consumers should pass a test, that can be done by most people practically without reading a booklet in 5 minutes or less.

The only thing in many sates required is background check, but that is not a training.

- Holly - 03-24-2014 11:05 AM

Yes, of course, I think she has gone too far. I'm not detecting the 'crazy eyes,' but her mouth.......she needs to close up those horse teeth.

- doctormcgoveran - 03-24-2014 11:12 AM

you need to look real world. there are lots and lots of guns that never shoot at any one. if we drop the hammer hard on screwballs that shoot, and discourage rndom people with bd tempers from gun owner ship it will cut down on crime. see that co ed over there well she might have a pistol don't bother her.

- purringhome528 - 03-24-2014 11:21 AM

Gee, you need to figure out what a senator and a governor is in your wild eyed rushed frenzy.

Notice it still allows conceal carry licensing. Necessary when police find you've one on you pocketed. Which WAS the original intent of conceal carry laws. Allowing concealment when open carry was natural and permitted across the USA. A good idea for private eyes and body guards.

Haley is one of a number of governors who've already signed similar laws. The article even mentions those states. Now, IF you'd bother to read past the headline? You'd see that the states permitting what she proposes have other things in common----LOW CRIME AND LOW GUN VIOLENCE.

However, as that IDIOT in Florida that shot multiple times into a Durango and killed a teen? Abuse of a firearm law must be decried and such people JAILED for years. If not out right executed. No excuses for abusing his Right.

- xpatinasia - 03-24-2014 11:31 AM

The evil of conservatism.

- Jollywater896 - 03-24-2014 11:36 AM

Considering how much the corporate media rails about "radical liberal agendas" it should come as no surprise that enacting extremist authoritarian restrictions on women's reproductive rights or laissez faire guns everywhere for anyone free-for-alls, are what we should expect to happen when Conservative government is given unbridled authority to allow people to follow their baser primitive instincts and live like wild animals not unlike the lawless west where the only fear a sociopath need fear was being arrested by a few cocky sheriffs and their deputized posse of eager hangmen.

It's obvious that framing straw-man liberals as the main threat to social order is one of the favorite distraction narratives used by authoritarian regressives to keep the focus off all the crazy batshit
"special liberties" that pandering to their extremist base governors are eager to sign into law when they think nobody is watching, especially when they keep the focus on non-existent "liberal fraud and criminal behavior".

- David C - 03-24-2014 11:41 AM

I would say Haley is right on the money every person has a God given right to protect themselves and in the U.S. we have a constitutional right to bear arms.