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I don't know how to move on, I think I still like him. Can we be friends? How do I move on? - Printable Version

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I don't know how to move on, I think I still like him. Can we be friends? How do I move on? - Kelly - 03-24-2014 11:00 AM

I met this guy in my class, he's 23, I'm 18. We started as friends and talked for a while in class, then we started dating after hanging out a few times. He kissed me when we were in his car and that's how we started. We dated for only about a month, 2 to be exact, but half of those were away from each other (thanksgiving break and college semester break). Perhaps it was bad timing, we texted for a while during the semester break, but I noticed his replies were slow. Then we didn't text for 5 days, my friends told me to just text him because I wanted to break up with him, but I didn't want to do it through texting. He replied to my text and broke up with me first, he said he wasn't ready for a relationship, that he was still bothered by his previous relationship and we should be friends.
Honestly, I was okay after reading that, because a part of me knew that already, but still wanted to be with him. I just got back to my dorm today and somethings reminded me of him and I cried a little because I miss him. I really like him, but I didn't love him. Do you think it's possible for us to be friends? I know I probably won't see him around the campus and I know that he won't ever initiate a text. He also does not believe in friendship after relationship.
I think a part of me still think we can be back together after he moves on from his ex, who hurted him a lot. but it's like 99.9% not possible. Please help me, I don't know how to move on.
He was a really nice, sweet and intelligent guy, that's what I liked most about him, but when he broke up with me through text, I felt like he was a coward who was afraid to face me face to face.

- Janet - 03-24-2014 11:03 AM

Best way to get over one guys to start dating other one. I know this from experience. Kelly, you're hung up on him partially because he broke with you first.

You're 18, in college, I promise he's not the only guy on campus. It sounds cold, but one guy who you kind of date can make you go crazy if you think about him too much. Find another guy and watch how much better you'll feel.

Good luck honey!

- Valy - 03-24-2014 11:04 AM

Okay I am talking out of personal experience here.
I KNOW YOU'RE HURTING. I know you refuse to accept that this is over. I know you still hope there could be some way it could work out between you.

BUT THE ONLY WAY, and I mean it, the ONLY way to face this situation head-on is to give it TIME and SPACE.
By distancing yourself, you'll slowly get over the hurt and disbelief. Your dignity will remain intact. You'll come to realize just why it's okay that things happened this way. You'll come to see how this all happened for the very best.
Give it three months MINIMUM. Don't talk to him, don't text him, don't investigate his facebooks profile or instagram profile or whatever. Literally have NO CONTACT with him WHATSOEVER.

If you skip this step, even just a friendship would be impossible because the "wound is still fresh", so to speak. He'll see you as clingy and he'll want to break free. The more you breathe down his neck (texting him, checking up on how he is, etc) will only make him run further away.
Plus, he's still grieving from The Evil Ex. Whatever reason they had for breaking up, it's still fresh in his mind and he's not over her. I'm not saying you were a rebound... but you kinda were. It's not because of how you are, what you did or what you look like... it's just that he saw an attractive female who he was into, and before he was ready, he was biting off more than he could chew.

The fact that he backed off and broke up means that he saw you as more than a fling. You were special to him and this SCARED HIM because he WASN'T READY for that. He needs time to get over whatever he has going on and to reflect on just why and how you were important to him.
That is also why you need to keep your distance during this process.
He can't have you in the way of his healing process, or he'll need more space.

I wish you all the best hon, you sound like a great gal and I'm sorry you're going through this heartbreak!
Chin up and remember to stay beautiful! Smile

- CueTec977 - 03-24-2014 11:10 AM

he's too old to relate with you

- Stephanie - 03-24-2014 11:11 AM

If you want to get over someone you can't hang out with them. You need a few months apart. If you keep seeing him everyday you'll never get a chance to get over him.
Maybe in a few months you can both be friends, but not until you move on.