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Someone is making fake accounts of me on twitter.? - Printable Version

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Someone is making fake accounts of me on twitter.? - Tye Pennell - 03-24-2014 11:01 AM

Hey. Someone keeps making fake accounts of me on Twitter. When I report them and it gets banned the person just keeps making another one. They are tweeting everything and everyone making me look like an idiot. They also tweet my College pretty bad stuff which will get me in huge trouble. I ask twitter to IP ban them so it stops but they wont. Is there anything else I can do? Its getting really annoying and frustrating.
Im not showing any signs of me being annoyed from it. I haven't event replied or tweeted them. Also they wont stop as it looks like hes having a really nice time tweeting as me. Everyone replies to it and believes it Sad

- Darren - 03-24-2014 11:02 AM

Just ensure that people know that your account is the real one. Contact your college about it as they are more likely to believe you if you approach them before they discover it for themselves.

Ignoring works best, they're probably making new accounts all the time because they think it is annoying you. If you just ignore them, they'll stop after a while as it takes all the fun out of it.

- david w - 03-24-2014 11:06 AM

It's not illegal to impersonate somebody on Twitter. It IS illegal for them to use that account for monetary gain, or to slander you, etc.

If they are posting negative things to your college, etc, making it look like it's from you, and you get any kind of negative action against you because of that, they can be arrested.

- Kittysue - 03-24-2014 11:15 AM

Contact everyone you know to tell them that you have ONE Twitter account and a psycho stalker who keeps creating fake accounts and to ignore the fake ones. Tell the school what is happening
If the troll is posting anything defamatory, print out the tweets and file a police report

- Rahul - 03-24-2014 11:16 AM

Then u r screwd!!!