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Loneliness from social media?..? - Printable Version

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Loneliness from social media?..? - Stealthsurfer21 - 03-24-2014 11:02 AM

Hey I get lonely and sad feelings over some very ridiculous things sometimes. I'll be on facebook looking at other peoples pictures and then see their statuses with a bunch of comments and I just sit there in the dark quiet room and get sad or if I see a friend with a happy relationship I get sad/ down. If I post something and no one says anything or whatever I eventually delete it like wow no one cares.... I have a great personality but facebook is just words and seems so far from social. Or if I text people and they don't text back or they say one word responses it just really gets me down like are people really that busy for me... IDK I try to be a great friend to people and I just feel like crap a lot when it comes to this stuff that is now the norm

- Johnny Blaze - 03-24-2014 11:10 AM

hey mate. firstly 'facebook' is an emotionally draining abyss of capitalism. so very bluntly 'fuck that shit'. its so very easy to get absorbed into a society of mindless zombies just wanting to belong in the social exchange of 'facebook'. But fuck it. also that texting business is bullshit and fuck em you cant spend all your life wishing you want them to reply or you want pathetic comments on your wall. you can go Beyond that social barrier. Mate you can be the best friend by just being there for your mates and meeting new people and you don't have to conform to social media groups to do that. Go partying or clubbing and find the real person you can really be.
hope i helped

- tieu_mui - 03-24-2014 11:15 AM

Hi there

As I was reading your query, I had a sense of you are having a difficult time trying to find your own identity in relation to others. I think online social network is great to connect people and yet there are many negative aspects of it. Facebook, Twitter etc... are just the tool for us. However, it's about how you use it, who you try to connect with and most importantly how you feel about all of those things on online network. If you feel uncomfortable, then stop using it for a while.

Loneliness is a feeling that everybody faces, especially in today society. The desire for recognition is increasingly raised in everyone emotion. I think good friend is hard to find but if we can accept the imperfection then we will be able to 'fight the battle' or 'emotional warfare'. I'm sure you have good friends around. Choose the one who you trust the most to talk about your emotion would be a good way to start.

All the best