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Should I reactivate my Facebook account? - Printable Version

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Should I reactivate my Facebook account? - devon d - 03-24-2014 11:02 AM

I deleted my Facebook account in January because I did something bad and everyone at my old school hated me. I switched schools now, and I sometimes miss the other people on my facebook who don't hate me. Plus it looks kind of weird not to have one. Should I reactivate it and just delete all the people who don't like me? or should I just wait longer like before I go away to college around this time next year?

- Jean - 03-24-2014 11:12 AM

`yes you should reactivate your Facebook account because life is not about who hate you or not. its about moving on

- zain - 03-24-2014 11:14 AM

it's easy to go for new one instead of an old one, once you have created new facebook account then you can probably let your good fellows know about your new facebook account.. in this way you don't have to waste your time in deleting the ppl whom you don't like

otherwise reactivate your account and then select the ppl whom you don't consider to keep them in your friend's list

all the best
don't hesitate to ask further

- Melissa D - 03-24-2014 11:17 AM

It's not weird having a facebook...and I would just keep it deactivated and make a new one or just don't go back on there. Trust me if you go back on that facebook the people who hate you will just act the same way. I had friends like this but I have a facebook so I just ignore them on there and talk to my real friends.