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How to change facebook page settings? - Printable Version

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How to change facebook page settings? - Brooke - 10-15-2012 08:01 PM

I want to make my facebook fan page a way so that only people who like my page can comment on it. Is there a way to do that or is it already set up like that? Sorry if this doesnt make sense!

- NJB - 10-15-2012 08:09 PM

Heres the instruction:
Sign in to your Facebook account. You should then be directed to your home page.

Click on the "Privacy" link that can be found on your Facebook home page.

Decide what setting you want to change. You can change who is allowed to view your profile and personal information, who can search for you and how you can be contacted, what stories about you are seen on your profile and through your friends' news feeds, and what information applications are able to retrieve about you on Facebook. Click whichever link suits your requirements.

Go through each category and choose the different levels of settings you want for every part of your Facebook profile.

Decide who you will allow to see your profile, basic info and personal info. You have the option of only letting friends see this information, friends of friends or your network of friends; you can also customize it.

Click the "Save" button after any settings have been changed so your new settings override the old.