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i feel that my girlfriend is useless...? - Printable Version

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i feel that my girlfriend is useless...? - Dougie34 - 03-24-2014 11:03 AM

we have been dating for more than 2 years.. we have been living together for more than 8 months, we rent out a apartment, we both go to school and have jobs. i am on spring break so i hang out with my friends at the house we play video games watch movies and what not. i work everyday and i have to wake up to clean walk the dogs (we have two a bullterrier and a poodle) everyday is the same routine for me. i cook for myself and she doesnt wanna do anything in bed because she always finds something wrong with her body,,, shes sick, or that her belly hurts or that shes just tired. i feel like i am the one doing all the work and that it isnt fair. today she tried to cook some breakfast and ended up creating a fire and burning some of the cabinets. she doesnt let me look in her purse, her phone and she even gets mad if i go through her twitter account. we have had so many fights about trust issues and i trust her but why soes she have to look like she hides everything. i lover her but i feel that she is useless. what can i do in this situation?

- â™  Merlin â™  - 03-24-2014 11:10 AM

stop being her mommy?

thats exactly what you are

- ashton - 03-24-2014 11:13 AM

dude spy cameras

- Christina L - 03-24-2014 11:20 AM

have you had a serious discussion with her about this? I would suggest not using the word "lazy" in the conversation. As far as her "hiding stuff," you are the one in the wrong there. Women generally don't like people going through their purse, and there should be no reason to go through her phone or twitter. That is a violation of privacy and does show a lack of trust.

- Crazy Girl - 03-24-2014 11:24 AM

She goes to school and has a job, she isn't completely useless, she is a little bit of a lazy screw up. But to say somebody is useless is so judgmental and rude. So you do as much house work as anybody should and she dosent like sex? Thats not useless.. If you truly loved her, you wouldn't say that. As for the trust issues, just tell her how you feel.