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I found some conversations on my boyfriends facebook? - Printable Version

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I found some conversations on my boyfriends facebook? - Cam - 03-24-2014 11:04 AM

So, yesterday my boyfriend left his facebook open and I was so curious that I browsed through one of his conversations that was with his ex and well he asked her if she was seeing someone and she said no and so he replied that if it were for him he would split himself in half to be with her...and then I found another one with another girl saying he had been thinking about her and going through her pictures on facebook...i dont know what to do, because I know he's a flirt, and I asked for him to stop, but this crosses the line and I feel completely disrespected, I am upset, but I don't know how to confront him about this, especially since I got on his facebook when I'm really not supposed to...thanks

- Navindra S - 03-24-2014 11:12 AM

Could just dump him.

- Chris - 03-24-2014 11:16 AM

You shouldn't confront him. You are the one in the wrong by snooping through his facebook. I know if it were me and I found out a girl did that I would leave her right then. Granted I am not saying he was right by talking to other girls but two wrongs don't make a right. If you feel you can't trust him then dump him and move on. If you feel that you can then stay with him and let it play out.

- IDKMAN - 03-24-2014 11:24 AM

Break up with him. Hes not into the relationship anymore and is looking for someone new already. You dont have to tell him why youre dumping him, just do it.

- SGM - 03-24-2014 11:34 AM

Sorry. Once a flirt has a girlfriend, he is required to STOP flirting with other girls. The excuse 'he is a flirty guy' just doesn't work once he is in a relationship.

Yes, his behavior is disrespectful. But more importantly, his behavior is DISLOYAL. He has made it clear he still has strong feelings for his ex girlfriend.

Split himself in half if he could? How does that make you feel that he wants to be with his EX GIRLFRIEND exactly the same amount as he wants to be with you?

You don't have to confront him. Just tell him you don't see the relationship going any further and it's time to go your separate ways. Don't give him any reasons! Let him try to figure out what he did wrong. He KNOWS he is behaving badly behind your back. He just never expected to get caught. By leaving him wondering, you get some satisfaction.