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Could the free market have a worse advocate than the Republican party? - Printable Version

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Could the free market have a worse advocate than the Republican party? - Hob - 03-24-2014 11:05 AM

For decades they have blown up the budget, consistently expanded the size of government, supported legislation that meddles in the market, passed just as irresponsible social welfare programs as the Democrats, and more or less tried to pass off their brand of crony capitalism as free market capitalism. They've misrepresented capitalism and turned the country against it. Now they are black balling and smearing the first real free market advocate they've had in some time, Ron Paul.
@Tom W: If we get another crony capitalist, big government conservative, we might as well have Obama. Makes no difference to me.

- Frank Zebottom - 03-24-2014 11:11 AM

Sure - the communist party.

- Josh Mullin - 03-24-2014 11:15 AM

Ron Paul 2012.

- j&j - 03-24-2014 11:20 AM

Yes. His name is Barack Hussein Obama.

- A-Rod Namikaze - 03-24-2014 11:21 AM

We are the best advocate

- skcs11 - 03-24-2014 11:22 AM

yes, the dem party

- Alex - 03-24-2014 11:30 AM

A free market couldn't work without fraud and coercion

An unregulated market has no say in, "give me that burger or I'll shoot you", coercion. If there are no regulations by what means you achieve your product, then any means can be used.

Just like fraud, if there are no advertising regulations in a free market how could you want a normal hotdog in a picture, and get a moldy, half eaten one? because there are no regulations on by what means things are seen fit.

Its also playing off stupidity for people paying for more than the actual worth. If you have a pill worth $1 and you sell it for $50, there is no regulation upon having someone buy something not worth it.

Supply and demand they say, but if you are playing off a corrupt market and on measurements that don't accurately described the usage of an item, the market will fail if unregulated.

- Dr.Funnyun - 03-24-2014 11:39 AM

I think the free market should not be interpreted as "economic anarchy," otherwise you're bound to get in the same situation as was in the dirty 30's

- bobber - 03-24-2014 11:44 AM

Let me put it this way...if I were hiring the public relations firm to promote a free market, I would not hire the Republican Party. Frankly, a bonafide anarchist could make a better and more cohesive case for a free market and probably have more credibility.

- jamie - 03-24-2014 11:47 AM


I registered as an independent because Republicans are not what they are supposed to be.

Now I realize registering independent was dumb, and I have to switch to Reoublican so I can vote for Ron Paul in he primary.