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What's up with the social view that any kid who grows up with money is a spoiled evil brat? - Printable Version

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What's up with the social view that any kid who grows up with money is a spoiled evil brat? - Merry - 03-24-2014 11:06 AM

I really don't get it. People swear it's not that they're jealous and I believe them for saying that. So if it's not jealousy, what makes people HATE kids who are fortunate?

My family has a lot of money. Way more than anyone could possibly need. I have a lot of clothes, a nice car, a nice house, take vacations to exotic places and what not. But I know I'm very fortunate to have everything I do. My parents always drilled into me that THEY are wealthy and that I have done nothing to deserve what I have. I'm pretty down to earth. I plan on going to college and getting a real job. I don't pitch a fit when I don't get my way. I don't care who your parents are. I'll be friends with you. And yet wherever I go I get dirty looks from people. At school, at church, at the mall, at restaurants, wherever. I don't post much on Instagram because if I did what everyone else does and post my life, people would say I'm a stuck up bitch showing off. What's up with all the hate? Seriously

- What - 03-24-2014 11:12 AM

I feel you. I have a big house and my parents are have a lot of money. Everyone calls me a rich b|tch and I get dirty looks from everyone. Wealth isn't everything and not a lot of people understand that. Why would you need money if you could be happy forever? Just ignore them. Money doesn't last forever, your family won't be rich forever. Some people have a lot of money but choice not to spend it, others who have a lot choice to spend it on big houses, cars, electronics, etc. I think it's just seems like your showing off a bit. Why would you need all that useless stuff when you could use that money to save someone's life. But anyways, don't listen to what people say its only money, it comes and goes. Also not everyone thinks of people with money to be evil spoiled brats, its just how you spend it determines how they think of you.

- bravejoke136 - 03-24-2014 11:13 AM

This place is not for venting or ranting. Seriously if it bothers you that much then maybe it's true. It's just a harmless stereotype.

- Kay - 03-24-2014 11:20 AM

They're lying. It's only jealousy and a whole lot of spite. It's also a "holier-than-thou" attitude, like they're "tough" because they grew up impoverished.

- Kayl - 03-24-2014 11:28 AM

Unfortunately too many kids nowadays aren't down to earth. They feel they are entitled to everything they have been given, even if they don't earn it.
Anyway, I don't see how EVERYONE hates on rich kids. I think you guys are looking for pity now? I don't look at people and judge instantly but half the world does. Rich kids, poor kids, young couples, young parents, people who work in fast food places, people who don't work; they all get judged. But not all of them feel the need to post it on a question forum to get pity from others like themselves.

- ? - 03-24-2014 11:29 AM

Its most likely the type of attention wealthy peoples children get. Think about all the shows that show bratty rich kids? All the Hollywood kids that throw fits over not being able to get a new Birkin, most of it is just the fact that if you dont run around with well off people, all you see is the media. Media is almost always bad. Try watching that "rich kids of Beverly hills" show and if tha was the only rich kids you ever saw, youd swear all "rich kids" are brats.

- Arrogantvest862 - 03-24-2014 11:39 AM

It's just plain old stereotyping like all red heads have bad tempers and blondes are dumb etc. These people just haven't bothered to get to know the real you and there's really no use being upset by what they think. If you know who you are then don't worry about them.