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Why am I bittersweet seeing my ex move on? - Printable Version

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Why am I bittersweet seeing my ex move on? - HeavenOnEarth - 03-24-2014 11:08 AM

I've known him since 14 and most of our relationship was long distance. While we were together he had 3 kids and hid it from me. I found out at a family get together anyway. That did it for me and I saw him for who he was and more things got revealed. I Left him and it was the hardest thing I've done. But I didn't look back. He cried, but I left he even asked me to marry him, I said no. But yesterday I ran across his page on facebook and he's happy and his girlfriend is cute, they have a business and live together and he post of her everyday. He even called and told me his girlfriend knows about me and he told her he'll always talk to me and asked me to go to his wedding that was suppose to be months ago and I declined. He didn't even get married. I'm happy for him, but bittersweet.

- Variable 46 - 03-24-2014 11:16 AM

I know we can't choose who we fall in love with, but this guy sounds like a dork. No, not just that, he sounds like a First Class Dork.

Why are you bittersweet about it? Good question. It's because we often want what we don't have, and we often don't want what we do have. It's not logical but it's often true.

- abbeycoolit - 03-24-2014 11:19 AM

Your feelings at knowing that your ex has moved on is understandable.Your relationship was long distance ,you were doing your thing and he was doing his and his produced three kids.You left him,walked away and never looked back. This action made him a free man and he met some other woman and he is now very happy with her .He told his gal about you which is a sign of his affection for you,said he would always talk to you( a sign that all is forgotten and forgiven),and even invited you to his wedding and you declined.This suggests that you may still have latent feelings for him and maybe harbored a hope that you guys might get back together.That is why his getting married is so bittersweet because it means that he is lost to you.However,he is not yet married so who knows?

- Nikki - 03-24-2014 11:24 AM

Of course it's hard, you're a very strong woman for continuing to talk to this idiot, even after he did this to you!
But if he didn't even get married in the end, doesn't that sound to you like there's trouble in paradise? And maybe the grass isn't greener on the other side?
Of course, I hope that he is happy with his family, but that's it now, whereas you still have the rest of your life to meet someone who makes you completely forget how this guy made you feel, then maybe he can receive an invite to your wedding and be completely envious of the Groom and the woman he gave up?
Just because everything is all hunky dory on Facebook, doesn't mean that he's not secretly snooping on yours thinking of how he let you go!