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Was it worth the break-up? - Printable Version

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Was it worth the break-up? - Panda ♥ - 03-24-2014 11:08 AM

My boyfriend gets jealous with every litle single thing and we always argue because of that. I'm really tired of his behaviour. He's also very demanding and dominant sometimes.

Before I met him, my guy bestfriend and I would sometimes log into each other's Facebook accounts for fun, and one day he posted from my account to his wall "Love ya". I didn't get mad or anything because we always do shit like that.

So, a month ago I met my boyfriend and a couple of days ago he saw the post and he flipped out. I explained to him that nothing was going on between my friend and I, but he said he didn't care and he demanded me to block him and don't talk to him anymore. I refused and said I couldn't do that, because he's my bestfriend. We kept arguing till we went to the point where he asked me to choose between him or my bestfriend. And I chose my bestfriend.. Am I wrong for choosing my friend instead of him?

- Katie - 03-24-2014 11:12 AM

No you're right! Why should you turn your back on a friend for someone like that?

I think you should convince him to believe you, and if he doesn't then it's his problem.. And always stand your ground because you haven't done anything wrong!

- Devon - 03-24-2014 11:15 AM

no you deserve better Smile