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Is he trying to make me your or putting me in friendzone? - Printable Version

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Is he trying to make me your or putting me in friendzone? - Lindsey - 03-24-2014 11:09 AM

Ok so me and my ex broke up about a month ago.. I was confused as to why he broke up with me he said he didn't want to be attached and just want to be friends. But what confused me was two weeks later we hadn't been talking and he tells my friends he still likes me a lot over Facebook? So I wait a while to see if he will tells he doesn't so I asked him about it ( no reply). But after that I just ignored him which was easy bc we are on winter break. But he messaged me hey like a month after that.. So I reply and we talk for a few and the last thing he tolde was he got to
Meet the colts chceerleaders so it was also a plus.. For him he said. All I replied was lol. But I don't know if he's trying to make me jealous, or if he feels comfortable talking to me about cheerleaders or possibly other girls? But we haven't talked since then and still haven't seen eachother because we are still on break.. I still like him a lot please help me were both 14.. Tell me what you think please!

- Arabelle - 03-24-2014 11:10 AM

Guard your heart sister. Don't give in!

- ashley - 03-24-2014 11:20 AM

omg your 14, move on to the next guy that always works. but really it sounds like the friendzone trust me if he wanted u in that way you wld know it, dont make excuses.."well he said" he said nothing! its about what he did, and what he didn't do was tell you he was feeling you like that.

Only being honest

- ♥Birdy - 03-24-2014 11:29 AM

Either you both get back together or move on. It's difficult being "just friends" with an ex. Sounds like he still sorta likes you. You need to ask and talk to him in person, not on facebook.