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Would I be considered a social capitalist? - Printable Version

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Would I be considered a social capitalist? - greenman - 03-24-2014 11:09 AM

I love the free market, being able to start your own business, and competition of prices.

But I also believe that everyone has the right to be seen by a doctor, have a roof over their head, food in their stomach, and clothes on their back and that the government should protect those rights when they can't be secured by society.

Pay close attention when I say this: I'm not trying to debate these points, nor am I trying to push them on anyone. I'm just asking a question while not insulting or screaming at anyone. Please give me and other answerers the same courtesy.

So would I be considered a social capitalist?

- sully - 03-24-2014 11:18 AM

no just a socialist.
Socialists believe in a capitalist(esque) system, just with more restrictions

- A.R. - 03-24-2014 11:28 AM

Well, to be tagged with that label you'd have to make a few other declarations such as your stand on democracy and whether or not you believe it is the role of government to bail out banks and such. True capitalism embraces the rigors of the market, by which Goldman Sachs and the others would now just be a memory.

Then again, going over your statement again, you seem to possess values that any society should have - rights of individuals to prosper while maintaining decency and compassion towards your neighbors. If you want to call it something, that's fine. Social capitalist? I guess I'm one, too.