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I feel like I'll never find true love? Like, actual true love.? - Printable Version

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I feel like I'll never find true love? Like, actual true love.? - BlueVendetta - 03-24-2014 11:10 AM


Lol no but seriously, I'm only 13 and maybe I'm too young to even be worrying about this crap but oh well.
What I'm actually worried about isn't that of never getting a boyfriend, or never having someone crush on me or any stupid stuff like that. I'm worried about never actually being in full-complete love and ending up settling for something fairly okay.

I'm not trying to lump all guys into a big bunch here, alright? But what I noticed most about guys (above my age as well) aren't really looking for real relationships. Sure, they may like a girl and buy her stuff or whatever and call that a relationship, but isn't there supposed to be something more?
Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of guys who can actually treat their lady like, well, a lady. And I've seen some really nice guys with their girlfriends and they seem so happy together, but does it really last?

I actually never believed love existed until recently.

My parents always, and still do, fight.
My siblings have never been nice to me, they've always treated me like an outcast.
I don't have any friends at all.
I've always been that weird or social reject girl at school, and no one has ever given me the time of day
Divorces are becoming more and more common.
And everyone seems to take love as a joke.

You see? I never even thought love existed. Maybe it's just the personal experiences I've had.
no love from parents, friends, other family, or anyone really.
The reason I started believe love existed was because I saw people who had friends and cared so much about other people. My parents love my siblings. My siblings love each other.

I mean, I know I'm stand-offish and introverted but c'mon, I can't really be THAT bad.

I love watching anime and reading manga, they always have couples in them with the cutest relationships! (Think SAO or Maid-sama)

I understand that media contorts relationships for people and makes them appear better than they really are, but isn't there anyone who actually cares anymore?
I feel like I one day want someone to love me like Kirito loves Asuna or Usui loves Misaki but then I think that I'll never find love like that. I feel like I'll just have to settle with some guy who doesn't hate me or hurt me, but doesn't necessarily treat me like he needs me.

Has anyone else ever thought this way too?
I feel like I'll never be fully in love where my heart beats fast and I get butterflies.
I don't think anyone will ever love me like they need or really want me.

But oh well, whatever happens, happens I guess.

- Ayo-Gg - 03-24-2014 11:10 AM


- Steven - 03-24-2014 11:13 AM

Not to make your question look to short, I would just say there is no such thing as true love. If there is then you must be having sweet dreams.

- Only Ramble - 03-24-2014 11:22 AM

That's because all the women in Alaska are cold.
