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How do I break a date, and should I? - Printable Version

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How do I break a date, and should I? - elizabeth - 10-15-2012 08:01 PM

I met a man on a reputable dating website, I have checked his criminal history, looked at both his and his ex-wife's FaceBook pages, and he seems to be a nice normal guy based on that. We have also texted a ton over the week we have been talking, and went on one date in which he was a perfect gentleman. We made plans again for both tomorrow and the next day. But in the last couple of days he has begun making jokes that really bother me. Jokes about disturbing sex stuff. Part of me thinks he is just really joking; I have made jokes like that with my friends and would never think of doing such things for real, it's just jokes. But him making those jokes with me so early, before we have even kissed, gives me a little creepy feeling. I kind of want to cancel out on our dates because they always say "trust your instinct." But if he really is just joking and is kind of just awkward that way, then he is really a good guy and someone I would like, so I don't want to run just because of some bad jokes...but my gut says it's just too weird.

Looking for some advice on whether I should follow through on the dates or not, and if not, what should I say to the guy as a reason why I would cancel?

- Ginge146 - 10-15-2012 08:10 PM

Go on one date perhaps, and make it a really public place.

Best thing to do is "I'm sorry but I've got a family emergency, it means I can only stay an hour for our date! Really sorry", then you can easily get away but still give him a chance.