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Does facebook let someone know who viewed their page??????? Please answer? - Printable Version

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Does facebook let someone know who viewed their page??????? Please answer? - Sara - 03-24-2014 11:10 AM

So I looked at this guy facebook page a few times and when I looked him up again I couldn't find him and my friend logged into her account and looked him up too and couldn't find him either then a couple hours later we searched again and there he was and later on tonight we looked him up once more and neither of us could see his profile again. Why does that keeping happening? Does that he mean he blocked me or something or did he delete his facebook both times. And no guys we aren't friends on Facebook which is why I asked if he could tell that I viewed his facebook. Thanks for answering

- Mine - 03-24-2014 11:13 AM

No, it's not possible. First of all, don't stalk people, lol. Second of all, he's either disabling his account, or it's a routine Facebook glitch. Obviously he's not blocking both you and your friend.

- Richard - 03-24-2014 11:21 AM

As far as I know, an application can help you find out who viewed your homepage, but sorry I forgot the name of that app.
There's a chance that the guy you've being stalking (lol) has been changing his account settings on whether he could be searched or not by making his profile (in)visible.

- Danny Donut - 03-24-2014 11:23 AM

Any application that say they can see who viewd your profile is FAKE and may contain a virus if downloaded. Its not possible to see who viewed who's profile

- cymaxtron - 03-24-2014 11:26 AM

Hi Sara.

Facebook is such a sea of uncertainties, so big that things like you say are the reason why i can't stand it.The first for me is when you look for the network of someone that you know, the list it's endless, it's not that i don't understand that, it is reasonable.

It can be something very useful to the police, or any sociologist trying to understand how in reality people in this world is connected by one friend in common and it's just 6 person divides people from being acquaintance.

Jealous people also have a very good tool in Facebook as it helps them to see who can the probable scandalmongers of an unfaithful spouse, given that the most known people appear on the first places, and if the deceived spouse already suspect whom is the unfaithful spouse committing adultery with. Very handy, you just pick up one possible scandalmonger and start your investigations, if number 1 wasn't, then you keep with a few others in a now narrower list of "probable" ones.

If you want to know more about this guy you should try that, to talk to the people you know are connected to him, or to search everyday people that you know in his neighborhood or that can be his possible friends until you find his address again. It's not that difficult Smile

Besides, when you type the name and last name, random appears on Yahoo search. Depending how this person is using its name or how the database of Facebook is updated, which causes troubles on web searching machines. But eventually he will appear browsing on yahoo.

If Facebook lets people to know if they are being watched as in other websites, they say no, but look what Yahoo says:;_ylt=A0LEV1aLzvlSiiUA7m1XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzYm5xZXU1BHNlYwNzcgRwb3​MDMQRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDM0NV8x

Nothing it's impossible, the NSA looks up, the FBI, Echelon Network, hundreds of thousands of hackers worldwide, the website ITSELF, himself if HE IS A HACKER. So no one can say, "nobody is watching at you".

- Janet - 03-24-2014 11:35 AM

its a glitch,or hes trying to deactivate his leaning towards a glitch.