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Objective sentence in Marketing CV? - Printable Version

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Objective sentence in Marketing CV? - Tim Griffin - 03-24-2014 11:10 AM

Would you please provid me with some powerful and convince sentences to use for the "Objective" in a CV for job seeker in marketing field?

Many thanks in advance!

- Cry Baby Obama - 03-24-2014 11:13 AM

A marketing resume objective is a quick pitch to a prospective employer.
marketing image by dead_account from Resume objectives provide your potential employer with information about the position that you are seeking. The objective should be a short, specific and powerful statement about what you are looking for in the marketing sector. It may include a few top skills that you bring to the table, as well, and should be one to two sentences long.

Entry Level Objective
If you are just beginning your career search in the marketing industry, it is best to keep your objective simple. A "seeking objective" simply states the position that you desire and are qualified for in the marketing industry. An example of this type of objective would be, "Seeking to obtain a position in marketing that allows for career potential and growth."

This type of objective should describe what you are looking for, without going into minute detail. If you'd like, replace the word "position" with the actual job title that you are applying for.

Skill Listing Objective
If you have a polished skill set that you have developed over time in your marketing career, list it briefly in your objective to catch the eye of a potential employer. An example of this could read as, "Marketing professional with experience in graphic art design, online market solutions and social media management seeking marketing executive position in a consulting firm."

This type of objective quickly outlines your key strong points. If you mention a specialized skill set, be sure to later outline it in your career position descriptions on your resume.

Experience Listing Objective
Professionals with experience in the field may consider using an experience listing objective. This type of objective shows your time and growth in the marketing industry. An example may be, "Marketing executive, with seven years of experience in managing luxury brand accounts for a public relations firm, seeking to obtain a position in music industry marketing."

This type of objective shows the years of experience in a specific field of the marketing industry. Be sure to use this if you have been growing your career in a certain niche of marketing to show your uniqueness, yet highlighting your expertise.

Read more: Marketing Resume Objectives |