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Social Media what kind of job is it ? - Printable Version

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Social Media what kind of job is it ? - john - 03-24-2014 11:11 AM

I'm wondering It's been a while I'm creating accounts for another people and Local business of my close friends mostly such as twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook page, foursquare, yelp and other social networks. Also I do web pages, some photoshop and teach them about stuffs puts ads trier own business i. Google. I been doing this 8 months.

But like a week ago I'm wondering what exactly is my position I'm held? And how many kind of names of positions have in my area I'm doing?

Also how much money I can charge for this kind of jobs per hour or per contract or per week or per month I really would like to know cuz I want print my own business cards also expand my business in the next level or even work for others.

I don't have any bachelor degree only basic certificates.

Thanks for your answers!

- Neil - 03-24-2014 11:12 AM

Social marketing!!!

With you websites, it would be Web Designer.