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The impact of viral marketing to the college students' consumer behavior? - Printable Version

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The impact of viral marketing to the college students' consumer behavior? - letmethroughpls - 03-24-2014 11:13 AM

may be my post is little bit academic..anyway, it's actually a dissertation project I'm working on at the moment, but I'm kinda stuck at some point as what are the possible consumer- behavior-related issues of college students should I look into under the impacts of viral marketing... I did some research in this field, which came up with something got me so confused, some of study related it to the motivation of refering marketing msg to the peer group...some others tried to apply the consumer decision making process to analyse the influence over each step within process....however, I feel none of above studies are quite helpful to the area I'm woking on ( or May I say I find it's difficult to push forward my analysis under the thoughsts from those literature...)

any helpful tips from you would be highly encouraged and I would be so much grateful to your kind attention!

- m000kie - 03-24-2014 11:18 AM

I cannot answer your question on the other question board, because I guess you cannot post twice on the same question.

I am really not sure about consumer behavior trends with viral marketing and the online college networking sites. Here’s a site I found that has a little research on facebook that you can possibly feed some ideas from to further your research:

Here’s a new book title that may have some information in it:

Sorry I can’t be of more help, I am not sure how much it has been researched, you may have to have some original ideas… maybe ask another question on yahoo and see if anyone else has some more ideas!

Good Luck!!