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I have so much more friends than my boyfriend on Facebook? - Printable Version

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I have so much more friends than my boyfriend on Facebook? - Taggerung - 03-24-2014 11:14 AM

He has like 300 friends on I have about 1,300 friends... does it really matter? We are both seniors, go to different schools but live in the same city... is it odd that there is such a huge difference in our number of friends on Facebook..? He has some friends he considers good friends but he isn't too close with them and they aren't too many. I don't have THAT many close close friends, about 6 and we're all girls, but I do have a much much wider circle of people I consider my friends and with whom I talk to. He isn't too shy but just doesn't have so many friends idk why. Do you think it'll be an obstacle in our relationship? Isn't that really odd that I have a 1000 more friends on Facebook than he does?

- Kathleen - 03-24-2014 11:19 AM

I have NO idea why you're making a big deal out of this. What does it matter? It's only Facebook, not real life. It doesn't count for anything in life.

- Tina Hage - 03-24-2014 11:27 AM

the amount of fb friends he has does not matter. its facebook. Some of the friendliest, and kindest people I know have like 200 friends on fb. It doesn't really determine what kind of person he is or if you'll have problems with this in the future.. you may have some obstacles..but i doubt they'll be because of his facebook friends.

- happybeetle461 - 03-24-2014 11:36 AM

The man who mind about FB friends he is not a broad minded man I think, FB is a social media, here you may meet million million people to communicate about your society or country. It will improve your social work knowledge, it will not hamper in your real life anymore.

- ♥♥Kelly♥♥ - 03-24-2014 11:40 AM

It doesn't matter about the difference about the amount of friends on facebook jeez!

- Jana - 03-24-2014 11:43 AM

HI! Well FB friends doesn't mean they are your real friends. It just mean you have a lot of people in your cyber circle. A lot of times guys don't really care about cyber circles like FB, they usually care more about gaming circles. Is it going to be an obstacle in your relationship? Only if you let it. If he's not a shy guy, then he will adapt to your friends easily. Don't let cyber friends come between you guys Smile