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Calling vs. texting when "getting to know someone"? - Printable Version

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Calling vs. texting when "getting to know someone"? - CoCo Cola - 03-24-2014 11:14 AM

A couple of guys on Facebook to wrote me and asked me to text them. I asked text about what? He said to get to know each other. Before he asked me to text him, all he said was hi, didn't introduce himself or even start a conversation with me or anything. I didn't respond back, im starting to notice a lot of people will try and "get to know you" through text message. guys I meet in my ever day life and online. even friends I know have the same experience. idk I could be a little old fashion, when it comes to that by at least calling. is this normal now or what?

- walleye - 03-24-2014 11:17 AM

you can not read true feelings in a text message and too many things can be misinterpreted through text or e-mail. People have the tendency to read things in the mood that they are in right at the point of reading things. If you were to talk to someone you can tell by there voice how they mean things they are saying. Texting sucks and you are right.

- Patricia - 03-24-2014 11:24 AM

Hi... i think texting is impersonal and a coward's way.

If a man wants to talk to me, he can call me and talk.

- SGM - 03-24-2014 11:33 AM

1) Girls should NOT text first. The guys who ask you to text are wimps.
2) You should have a couple IM chats first to see if they are decent guys.
3) Then have a couple video chats before you give your number out.
4) If he won't video chat, he is lying about who he is. Delete him.

You are exactly right by calling these guys out when they ask you to text 'to get to know you better.' They should give a real reason based on something in your profile. Maybe "Hi, Coco. I saw in your profile you like horses. I used to go horseback riding a few years ago. I'd like to chat and see if we have any other things in common to talk about. Tommy. (Oklahoma, age 19.)"