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Best way to ask for a facebook account? - Printable Version

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Best way to ask for a facebook account? - Bushybrows - 03-24-2014 11:15 AM

I'm in the eighth grade. I would like to have a facebook account, but I know that If I asked my parents they probably wouldn't let me cuz they're very cautious about this sort of thing. What should I do to ask them for one?

- Deirdre - 03-24-2014 11:20 AM

why do you want a facebook account so bad? i have one and it gets boring after a while... looking your friends pictures with people you dont know, playing games that are really just a waste of time. i know its hard to hear because i had strict parents too, but they really, really are just trying to look out for you. People can bully you on facebook, so they honestly just have your best interests at heart.
you would be better off spending the time you would spend online, with your friends Big Grin