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Hide 'friends' on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Hide 'friends' on Facebook? - ClaireHunny - 03-24-2014 11:15 AM

How do you set up to stop people seeing who your friends are on facebook?
I've gone to the 'privacy' setting and changed it to 'friends only' but strangers can still see my friend list which I don't want!

- kaire - 03-24-2014 11:21 AM

Do you want to hide your friends from when people search for you so they won't see the "View Friends" link? You need to change your Search Privacy Settings:

UNCHECK the last box at the bottom that says "View your friend list." Then click the blue Save Changes button. Now non-friends won't be able to see your friends.

- EllenRose - 03-24-2014 11:25 AM

On the homepage, hover your mouse over "settings" and select "privacy settings" from the drop down menu.

go to "profile"

there should be a whole list of things that you can set privacy settings of (e.g. profile, personal info, status updates, etc). Go to "Friends" and select "only friends".

you may have already done this - if so and strangers can still see who your friends are in searches then complain to facebook for lying. However, I think no matter what your setting people will still see mutual friends. They allow that so people can find friends and use mutual friends as a "double check" that they know them.

hope this helps.


if it is specifically for searches then you need to change privacy in the "search" part as the above answer tells you too. (i think that's pretty bad of facebook though seeing as you've already asked for strangers not to see your friends list in your profile - they should assume it's the same for searches).