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opinion on teen moms? (poll)? - Printable Version

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opinion on teen moms? (poll)? - Bat Derp - 03-24-2014 11:16 AM

there are those who praise teen moms for being 'strong' and sometimes successful with their life even though they have a little one on board. Some people hate teen moms, enough to create Hate pages about them on facebook and other sites and some people think teen moms are sick people and are the scum of the earth (like me, please do not hate. im entitled to my opinion). are girls 17 and under having kids a good thing? or a bad thing? whats your opinion on teen moms? do you hate them? or do you love them? tell me your fullest opinion and be honest all the way and make your opinion count.

- Courtney - 03-24-2014 11:20 AM

Why are they all bunched together in a group? EVERY teen mom is different, just like every 40yo mom is different. You can judge all of them because they are not all the same person. Just like you cant say every mother above 30 is the best mom in the world, or the worst.

- M.A.A - 03-24-2014 11:22 AM

Girls having babies 17 & younger is WRONG. I HONESTLY think that a Girl & Guy should wait to have sex until they're married. I think that's the most right and respectable choice there is! Also we shouldn't HATE teen moms maybe not like them but not to hate them. I really don't care for them because they are out popping kids out and then they cry & complain saying "My baby(s) doesn't have a dad, I don't have a job, I want to finish school!" & Blah, Blah, Blah like non one told you to spread your legs and have kids! Then you want other people to feel sorry for you and give you money and stuff, Some mothers I do understand get rapped, or are forced to have sex then they get pregnant but I mean don't those other teens think "Well I'm so lucky to be able to have kids and not be forced into anything." When they're are teens and women and girls getting raped and there are women that CAN'T have kids. And these teens are popping the kids out left to right.

- Kira - 03-24-2014 11:25 AM

I confess that I think it's very irresponsible of teenage girls to have babies. But I certainly don't hate them. And sometimes it's not even the girl's fault for becoming pregnant, such as in the case of rape. If a girl is eighteen or nineteen, it's her decision to have a baby, unless she's raped.
But I think if an eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl is married, there's nothing wrong with her having a baby. Girls below that age aren't ready to become mothers.
That's just my opinion!

- amarilysusa - 03-24-2014 11:26 AM

I don't love them and I don't hate them. I think teenagers shouldn't have babies as they are not ready either physically or emotionally. They should wait until they are in a stable situation, financially and emotionally.

- Crazydrug339 - 03-24-2014 11:27 AM

I secretly wanted my 17 year old daughter to have an abortion a year ago. She gave birth 3 months ago and I know she has regretted this decision ever since the novelty of the newborn wore off.

I'm very bitter and angry at the changes my household has had to endure simply because the law states its her body her choice.

Well its my household, my checkbook, my lack of sleep as well that's also affected. It affects the whole family not just the pregnant teen.

I neither hate them nor love them - I hate the fact that a minor child that doesn't know the affects this is going to take as a whole has the right to get and stay pregnant. I shouldn't be forced into raising another child. If this was what I wanted then I would've had another of my own.

- Samantha - 03-24-2014 11:31 AM

I pity them, honestly. For those that get pregnant on accident, I think they understand the severity of their situation and try to make it work. They will never have great jobs or amazing lifestyles unless they can beat the odds and I'm sure they will realize this.

For those who are delusional and want children at 14, 15, 16, 17--I think it's an absolute shame and slightly disgusting. When I was 14, I had no idea what I wanted...not a clue. How can that person raise a child in this world? She isn't even old enough to work.
And yet, it's a phenomenon lately. I see it on these boards all the time. It's a damn shame, They are single handedly creating a welfare state because they see it on TV and want to emulate that.