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Do you think online friends is right? - Printable Version

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Do you think online friends is right? - Natalie - 03-24-2014 11:17 AM

I have been thinking of finding an online friend, but my parents always told me not to do that because something bad can happen (if you know what I mean) so I need advice. Is is ok for me to find an online friend???

- Natalie - 03-24-2014 11:20 AM

Yeah?? Why wouldn't it be Okay? But do get to know them and video chat with them so you know there not lying. I have actually two online friends we're super close & It's cool you get to know where they're from not just another person in your boring old town or city. So go for it.

- Aimeerose - 03-24-2014 11:29 AM

well i go on a site called tagged and iv'e meet a lot of grate people on there my parents always told me never go meet a stranger on your own and is never happy with me hanging with people i have meet online but i meet them with a friend and its fine havnt meet a bad person yet (touch wood) Smile so go for it but be carefull x

- Sweg - 03-24-2014 11:39 AM

Oh god not the old parent trick.
Some of the nicest and best people are on the internet.
I have tons of internet friends I met over Tumblr & Twitter. A few of them I consider my best friends. It may seem stupid, but they are truly really awesome people that I get along with way better than my friends in real life.
It all depends on what site you go on to get 'bad people' that pretend to be teenage boys/girls who are actually 80 year old perverts. But usually, those type of people are 'myths'. I'm not saying no one does that, but it is really rare. It just depends on what site!
But it is perfectly fine to have online friends. They're great. I got to MEET one of my online friends in real life! And she wasn't an 80 year old man!
Plus, one of my friends have 3 best friends who live in Canada, and they're going to meet in April in NYC.
If you have a Facebook, you can add them on Facebook to make sure they are 'real' teenage girls/boys. If they have lots of pictures of themselves and they have parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc, as their friend, then you can know that they are 100% real.