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in such an awkward position .... help needed!? - Printable Version

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in such an awkward position .... help needed!? - Gemma - 03-24-2014 11:23 AM

I really need some help ..I have a friend that I have liked for months. We got really close and I ended up falling for him and I didnt know why. I wanted some advice so I asked this girl who recently has become "friends" with us. Then my crush complerely started to ignore me and put some distance and I felt hurt. Only to find out that this girl told him because shes a **** stirrer... I phoned him one night and I told him how he hurt me and that I liked him and he doesent feel the same way back . Which I already knew and tbh I just wanted to get over him without him knowing anything... I dont want it to get awkward between me and him now . Even though he has told me , he doesent like me , its still not sinking in and I really feel like **** about it. Plus this girl is sending me horrible facebook messages when I trusted her with a secret like this ... I dont know how to get over him and how to not make it awkward next week....

- LaWanda - 03-24-2014 11:28 AM

I am sorry this happened to you. Sure, things are going to be awkward for a while. So give it some time. After you heal then you can try being friends again, but not right now. As for this "girl", cut her a loose.
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- DD - 03-24-2014 11:32 AM

Dear Gemma, Well My Dear I wish You had listened to me before. & please do leis ten to me now. All said, I know the feeling and I know how much it stinks. Getting over someone is hard enough as it is but getting over someone you have to see and interact with all the time is even more difficult. It’s also a confusing feeling because you never really had a relationship with this person, so you don’t really know how you’re supposed to feel. The best way to get over a crush, or anyone really, is to stop thinking about the person. This is way, way easier said than done. To do this, cut off contact as much as possible. This doesn’t mean you need to completely ignore him if he tries to talk to you although you can do that if you want, but don’t go out of your way to talk to him. In fact, go out of your way not to talk to him. Do you sit near him in class? Try to move your seat, if possible. Are you friends with him on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram? I strongly suggest deleting him or, at the very least, blocking him. You’re never going to get over someone if you continue to see their regular updates via social media. Using the buddy system to get over someone can help as well. Let your best friend( NOT THE ONE WHO BETRAYED YOU SHE IS TROUBLE FROM DAY ONE & WILL ALWAYS STAY CAUSING TROUBLE TO YOU SHE IS NOT YOUR BEST FRIEND. FOLL ONE SHAME ON YOU FOOL ME TWICE SHAME ON ME) know that you’re ready to get over this dude and she shouldn’t let you talk about him or try to talk to him. She can stop you whenever you bring up his name, she can say encouraging things to make you feel better and she can convince you not to approach him if you want to. Plus, you can lean on her when you’re feeling sad. Another way to get over a crush? Start crushing on someone else! Be open to meeting new people and getting to know other guys you probably didn’t notice them when you were busy crushing on this person, but their out there, I promise. Or, on the flip side, just focus on yourself for a while. Put all of your energy and time into doing something that will make you happy, like a hobby or a sport. Focusing on yourself not only makes you better, but it also makes you happier and before you know it, you’ll forget about that loser who doesn’t like you back. I'll be honest with you, though: it’s probably not going to take just a week or two to get over this crush. It can take a long time to stop liking someone and that’s okay. You shouldn’t feel pathetic about that! As corny as this phrase sounds, time really does heal all wounds. If you stick with these tips and avoid your crush as much as possible, you’ll go to bed one day realizing you didn’t even think about him once during the day and it will feel great. Try not to care so much about what he thinks. It'll matter even more to you what he thinks about you because you're friends, and you've probably already accepted advice and opinions from him. Just ask someone else some of the things you'd usually ask him. This will help you to get a fresh, new perspective on things. Try to focus on one of his flaws. Don't make him out to be a terrible person, just think of a little thing that kind of annoys you or turns you off whenever you think this about him.Do not let this crush ruin your friendship. Although it's hard to think of him as just a friend, you can still do things together. You are friends, right?You have to remember that you were and still are friends with him even if you do like him.Still spend time with him and don't try to block him out. You'll find yourself missing him and this will probably just make you like him even more.It's not as hard as you may think. Just remember; he's a great friend, would you really be willing to risk your friendship?Don't try to "act natural" around him, He'll most likely notice you're acting a little strange and ask what's wrong. Be yourself and let go a little bit of your energy by subtly flirting if you want. Don't make it obvious, just looking into his eyes when he's talking, smiling a lot, brushing something off his shoulder, etc..There are plenty other fish in the sea !xxxx His Loss not yours, and yours is awaiting you just make sure you don't fall for the wrong one please. Good Luck Best Wishes