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Stores no longer selling computers and NSA backdoor illegal spying? - Printable Version

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Stores no longer selling computers and NSA backdoor illegal spying? - kyle - 03-24-2014 11:23 AM

We have 2 computers. Dad has a 3 year old one with a triple boot. (Linux) for online and banking with XP and 7 offline and my computer has a 1TB drive in it with Windows 7 professional but over the last several years Dad and I have noticed that more and more stores have stopped selling computers.

My computer is a store bought one from 2009 Office Depot and I am glad I got mine when I did as now they only have 2 computers for sale with no hard drive except built into the monitor which means you cannot open it up to replace parts if you want to add more RAM or switch video cars.etc for improved performance.

Here is the stores that used to sell computers up until about 2010 for Salem Oregon.

Costco had a whole bunch on display and a generous return policy which at least the latter they still have. Staples had an entire aisle of computers and a 2nd aisle for games with now only 3 junk computers on display and a really tiny section for *boring* software. Worst Buy I mean Best Buy had computers even though they were used being sold new by covering it up.
There used to be 3 computer repair places where you could either repair a computer or build you're own. and they are all out of business.

Since 2010 they only now have phones and laptops which sucks because all you can do is social media on it or play games and movies. It's hard to do any actual work. Nothing beats a desktop computer and any business owners who agree with me chime in!

Circuit City even had rows of computers which I bought one in 2004 which I was pretty happy with but it died during an ice storm when the power went out a bunch of times in a row frying the internet connection. We could not get the internet to work until I got a new computer.

Dad says it's a combination of the economy/Windows 8 and phones taking over and I think he is right. Phones seem to make people stupid and rude I've noticed.

I never use one though my parents want me to have a track phone just for emergencies but I'm getting the basic only. I don't want no NSA spying garbage on me!

See here for further details of the backdoor spying technology from a frustrated business owner.

Here is a quote from the blog about the NSA and Microsoft as well as other companies kissing their boots.

Quote:. "Microsoft is trying to help the government censor our computers and our Internet, since they can’t shut it down. More importantly, they are not just doing this slowly over a period of years like they used to, they are doing it NOW and want all operating systems other than Windows 8 to NOT be shipped to people and to make it happen effective IMMEDIATELY!! Why is that?

Well, just look at the NSA scandals and everything our government is doing to try and eliminate our 1st and 4th Article Rights by controlling our lives and the coming wars with Syria and Iran, as well as the recent call by the military to engineer a way to take over the airwaves. They are trying to regulate and/or override all of our communications (see here and here) and the dumb sheeple are just sitting back and saying, “Oh well, but look at the pretty new features it has. A touch screen, my own color laptop, and it can even play with me now and tell me when to go to take a bathroom break” that they don’t even know why. Unquote.

In April Microsoft oficially ended XP updates by throwing the *kill switch* uin which it happened to us and a friend of ours also had it happened too in which MS killed XP with trojan updates.
Dad who has computer knowledge actually got into the programming and TOTALLY disabled XP and Windows 7 from communicating with Microsoft and our off-line Windows systems have worked better then ever. In fact on 7 we watch all our fun stuff and never before have experienced such smoothness as usually there will be a forced update or interruption but not anymore! LOL

Before Dad totally disabled the Microsoft connection even if we had the internet switched off Windows XP or 7 would still try to *talk to* Microsoft often in the middle of what we were doing and screw things up. If it was important like Dad's history timeline he's been working on or doing books it would freeze the computer and he would loose what he was doing but now it doesn't seem to happen.

Will people PLEASE stand up to our Fkd government for screwing our constitution since the 1900s when the banking cartel took over?

- freesoul - 03-24-2014 11:28 AM

ok but what`s your question

- Shawn H - 03-24-2014 11:28 AM

All of this is speculation and you have provided no proof from an authentic or widely supported reputable source. Also you didn't even ask a question.