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People who unfriend you because you are ugly? - Printable Version

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People who unfriend you because you are ugly? - Caty - 03-24-2014 11:23 AM

Is unfriending a person because they are ugly a valid reason to unfriend someone. I updated my profile picture this morning but before I updated my profile picture, I asked my mom if it was okay picture to use as a profile picture. My mom is very honest and she speaks her mind. She told me that it was a pretty picture of me, so I made it my profile picture. Now (evening) I noticed that someone had unfriended me. I get so confused because there have been guys who have told me that I look beautiful and I have had boyfriends and guy friend, but when someone unfriend me I get the feeling that I am so ugly that they can't be friends with me. I have actually temporary deleted my Facebook account. However I don't know who unfriended me though.

Is unfriending a person because they are ugly a valid reason to unfriend someone?
Daisy752: What do you mean?
Well, it feels like that though.....

- cici - 03-24-2014 11:33 AM

someone probably unfriended you because they don't know you very well. That happens to me all the time. don't worry about it.

- Andy - 03-24-2014 11:35 AM

I think that it's a valid reason to unfriend them, if the only reason you friended them in the first place was cause they were attractive.

- Daisy752 - 03-24-2014 11:42 AM

That sounds weird. Are you sure these are good guys?

- Amanda - 03-24-2014 11:48 AM

How do you know that this person unfriended you because you are ugly? Did they say that? Did you ask them? No matter what the reason, that person is obviously not your real friend anyway, and you are probably better off without them. I recommended getting off Facebook if you are sensitive to things like this. If it's not adding to your happiness, then why bother with it at all?

- XurumelaXD - 03-24-2014 11:54 AM

you can't know if they are unfriending you because of this