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Why Am I Receiving Notifications About Others Statues Updates On FaceBook ? - Printable Version

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Why Am I Receiving Notifications About Others Statues Updates On FaceBook ? - Merella - 03-24-2014 11:24 AM

hi guys, so recently I've been receiving notifications on Facebook about other's statuses updates ( just one person or maybe two ) .. like someone shared a link or someone updated her status and something like that ! and I noticed that little star under the notification ,
I don't know why ? or how .. someone please explain to me ? Smile

Thank you xoxo

- Cadders - 03-24-2014 11:32 AM

because you have accidently added them to your close friends list which means when ever they do anything like you said, you get a notification telling youSmile
just go and remove them if you dont want to know what their doing

- Tami - 03-24-2014 11:37 AM

Facebook added this new thing called "close friends". If you make someone a close friend (there should be a yellow star next to a button that says "friends" on they timeline) then you receive notifications whenever they do something like updating their status. Check if that's what's happening with yours - find that yellow star that i'm talking about on the top part of their timeline to the right. "close friends" should be checked, just click on that to un-check it. Then instead of a star there should be just a green V and you won't receive notifications anymore.

- confusedmuch - 03-24-2014 11:38 AM

it becuase youve starred them as a close friend!

- Jan Pauline - 03-24-2014 11:45 AM

it means that you chose some friends in your facebook to be your 'close friends'. you can disable getting notifications from them by clicking the word 'close friends' under the "Friends" section at the left of the screen and after clicking it, go to "manage list" located at the upper right of the screen and choose edit list. you'll see the thumbnail pictures of your close friends.. when you hover your mouse there, you'll see an 'x' button in the upper right of the picture which will remove that person from the list that you are getting notified when clicked.