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What's against the law in taking pictures of a trashy yard and posting them on your facebook? - Printable Version

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What's against the law in taking pictures of a trashy yard and posting them on your facebook? - gloria1137 - 10-15-2012 08:02 PM

I have put my house on the market. But my house would not sell because of the house across the road. This house is very very trashy. 2 adults live there and neither one are working and I just can't seem to figure out why they can't clean it up. I took pictures from my front door and posted them on my facebook page, I got some good advise on who to call to get someone to make them clean it up. Our county zoning enforcer came out and took pictures and told them they had to clean it up. I have since got a certified letter that I didn't sign for but could see the words "you have pictures posted of" on this letter. What can she do?? It's okay to her to live like that but if you don't like it and make fun of it then she gets upset?? Is our government money going to pay for her to take me to court?? Our taxes already pay for her house, food, clothes, car.

- Drixnot - 10-15-2012 08:10 PM

If the yard can be seen from the street then she has no case.

- Shovel Ready - 10-15-2012 08:10 PM

You have broken no laws. Your neighbors have no reasonable expectation of privacy that would prohibit people from taking pictures of their front lawn. You will probably have better luck, however, with the public nuisance charge or health and safety and zoning code violations.

- squareBig659 - 10-15-2012 08:10 PM

The camera can go where the eye goes.

She does not have the right to privacy on something that is public.

Ignore her.

- TruthSeeker818 - 10-15-2012 08:10 PM

If the pics were taken from your house or the street then you have nothing to worry about

- appleseed582 - 10-15-2012 08:10 PM

The other posters are correct about the legality of the law. But do you really want your neighbors to make your life miserable and eat up your money by dragging you into court just to prove a point? Let your county zoning enforcer deal with them and just take down the pictures. Don't give your neighbors ammunition to make your life a living hell. The county will make them clean it up. But be prepared that your neighbors will be looking to report you for any violation they may see you doing, including made up ones. Also, potential homebuyers may see these pictures online and change their minds about your house.

- utopian - 10-15-2012 08:10 PM

Yep, no law against it as long as you haven't included any personal details about them.

- eddood52 - 10-15-2012 08:10 PM

If these people were already warned to clean up the mess, ad are aware you precipitated the action, you may be served legal notice of either a libel or slander suit. That doesn't mean you have anything to fear. All you really had to do was notify the counbty agencies. The Facebook pictures could be seen as a way for you to get the county to do something. If the place is that trashy, then you can't be causing libel or slander, because what you posted for all to see was true, and you had great concern that unless it was done, that no action would be taken.