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Facebook question!!!? - Printable Version

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Facebook question!!!? - Iphicrates - 03-24-2014 11:24 AM

Hi, my questions concerns facebook privacy settings. It came to attention that my mother can see when i comment on other peoples wall posts (who she is not friends with). I don't want to be so rude as to remove her as a friend but it is quite annoying being a grown man and having my mother know so many details about my life. She has already proven she is quite nosey (making comments to me about things she could only have knowledge of by reading posts i wrote on friends news feeds, more than a few times. How do i change it so she can only view my posts, not when i comments on posts from people she is not friends with.

Thank you

- Maximiliana - 03-24-2014 11:30 AM

Go to Facebook. There. type your comment in What's on your mind?, and then, search for the padlock besides the "share" button. There. Click on it. Then clic on "customize" on the list that appears. Unselect your mother. There! After a while, Facebook will save the settings and allow you to write anything without your mother finds out. Hope it helps you! BUT... You can't help her reading the comments you make on other's posts, unless you go to privacy settings, and then to "Block Lists" and put in there your mothers' name.

- toby - 03-24-2014 11:36 AM

Hm well my only options i am seeing is you delete her are maybe you can tell your frinds to set there channels to pirvae but heres the 3rd option Your a grown man? Who cares what your mom does or says to you say your a grown man you can do what you want and whnever you want to.