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Urgent help..anyone with a good heart please? - Printable Version

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Urgent help..anyone with a good heart please? - rohit - 03-24-2014 11:26 AM

See,it's a complicated story ..but I try to cut it short. .I am 21...doing an engineering degree..but have no clue why. .and I have been brought up in a very good family. .but have been lonely and unhappy throughout my sick life...used to be quite a winner in the earlier days..but was always taught to be fkig nice and goody goody..and I turned out to be quite lazy ..I always thought watching discovery chanel and getting good marks will get me friends ...but as it turns out I became quite a loser and socially phobic trying to avoid people my parents forced me to fking study and not meet other ''less interested in leading a good life kind of people'' ..All I did was avoid people ..And made up a big ego..I hardly remember the last time..I had someone who I could call a friend ..I cry at nights..just to ease off something which never gets down my chest...hurts me from deep within...and I believe I am dead inside..I see no point in pursuing this life...and I feel like a worthless piece of junk which is an excuse for my being a human being. ..never had any luck with girls..and I am always depressed by the thought that I am single ..and nd no one in this world gives a flying shut abt me ...maybe I need to find something worthwhile or just simply die....anyways who would give a rats ass. .I feel I need to change drastically or else this depression n building up inside me will eventually take the better of me...
Ya surya I'd like to be your friend. ..add me on fb if u are there

- Hitarth - 03-24-2014 11:35 AM

please calm down and never think of dying.i know that you have parental pressure to study and have a good life.but u dont have to study all the time.get out of your home,join classes like dancing ,music or any other place where you can interact with people.join some personality development course

hope this helped

- Tongtong - 03-24-2014 11:41 AM

Honestly I think that you should seek professional help, maybe find a therapist who you can talk to? From what I've heard, I think you need to open yourself up to others. If you do so, you will find others who are just as ambitious, intelligent, and successful as you are. Grades are important, but friends are too. Once you learn how to socialize with people, you will develop connections, which, will definitely come in handy later on in your life. Your parents are right on the idea that you have to study hard, but doing so doesn't necessarily mean blocking out everyone as well. It's possible to balance your intellectual and social life. Start by opening up yourself to maybe someone sitting next to you in class, and just start by saying a simple "hello." Also, if you feel as if no one cares about you, you parents definitely do. Take small steps in opening yourself to people, and you will earn self confidence. That's what I had to do after all. And as for being single, you will definitely find someone later on in life. In this world, there is a person out there for everyone. You're only twenty one after all and this is a large world. You are a great and admirable man; don't let anything or anyone convince you otherwise.

- Chris - 03-24-2014 11:42 AM

You are at a university, correct? Consider joining a club or organization on campus that suits your interests. I joined a club whenever I was a freshman and that was literally how I made all of my friends. Some universities offer 1 credit courses where students can learn a sport or skill such as ice skating, tennis, karate, and so on. Groups and clubs like that are great places to meet new people.

You just have to find people who share a common interest or trait. Don't stop being a nice person, because that will also make you friends.

- Swagat Suryawanshi - 03-24-2014 11:49 AM

I am just the same. This is so similar to my life. Even the Discovery Channel part is same. Even I cry at nights to try and ease it out. The only differnce between your story and mine is that I am also just as lazy as you and stuff, but I had(yes HAD) the best people in this world as my friends. But it was just me who still cherishes them. I have lost my friends, relationships, finally ending up broken.

Let's chat na. It is not acceptable to chat here, so just leave a reply in your question and we can get in touch.
Where are you from? I would love to be friends with you. And I am sure even your parents will like me ;-) LOL

Leave a reply in the additional details if you would like to try to be frienzz with me?? I think let's give it a try.. I am sure it won't hurt if this does not work. Let's hope for the best Smile
Smile and say yes Smile

Merry Christmas. Santa wants to present myself to you as your best buddy, what say? I would love to render help personally.
You asked me to add you on fb but did not give your id on it, nor can I see your email id due too privacy settings.
Here's my facebook link and yahoo id: