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How do I get more likes for my Facebook page??????!!!!? - Printable Version

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How do I get more likes for my Facebook page??????!!!!? - Kyra - 10-15-2012 08:02 PM

I'm 14 & iv made a Facebook page about "Scene Queens" & iv only got like 4 likes which sucks & iv tried advertising it but it didn't work & if I like put it on other pages wall they dont share or like it....

Does anyone know how to get more likes, like a lot more?? & the easy way please?

- Kyra - 10-15-2012 08:10 PM

go to famous posts and ask for likes and put the link of your page..

- Geo - 10-15-2012 08:10 PM

there is a software you can download to give you thousands of likes, and you can try advertising it on other 'scene' fan pages

- Devbrata - 10-15-2012 08:10 PM

Start posting some informative news on your facebook page and share it in your groups as well as at your friends timeline. Slowly slowly people will take interest in your news and then you can ask them to like your page and in some cases u don't even need to ask anyone, people will like it by themselves. Make as many friends you can but make sure maximum friends should belong from outside countries and form groups as well. Try this out you will surely get likes for your facebook page.

- Leron - 10-15-2012 08:10 PM

MAKE a youtube video for it and try to get people to like it

- Remy - 10-15-2012 08:10 PM

There aren't really easy ways to get likes. You need to do something in exchange for them. I suggest social media exchange projects. They are pretty simple, all you need to do is click on the like button for other pages and other people will click yours.
Its all automated but you need to stay active and earn credits if you want for people o continue liking your pages. When your credits are gone you simply have nothing to give "in exchange".

- Makeuseofinternet - 10-15-2012 08:10 PM

Try this website:
probably the best site that helps you to increase your likes and twitter followers. It also has features to increase the number of youtube views for your videos, and also the hits on your website/blog.

- Siam Khan - 10-15-2012 08:10 PM

You can use this site.