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Should Social Security And Other Social Programs Be Eliminated? - Printable Version

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Should Social Security And Other Social Programs Be Eliminated? - ClaytonJ - 03-24-2014 11:27 AM

Would eliminating Social Security and other Social programs stop Socialism in US?

- simplicitus - 03-24-2014 11:28 AM

ROTFL. Are you serious?

1. What make you think "socialism" is "coming" to the U.S.?

I haven't the foggiest notion of what your definition of socialism might be, but it is hard to imagine any definition by which socialism is "coming" as opposed to having been here for some time.

Price and wage controls? Been there, done that. (And a Republican president too.)
Abandoning the gold standard? Ditto. (same president)
Take over an industry? Ditto. (A different Republican president started it)
Subsidize other industries? Ditto.

2. What elements of "socialism" do you think need to be stopped?

A. Are you against governments building roads? providing education? supplying water? etc.?

B. Or is it that you think the government is regulating too much and that we need less regulation so we can have more financial disasters such as the current recession, more food and drugs that make people sick, dirtier air and water, etc.?

C. Or maybe you are one of the true believers in the market who think it can even handle the justice system and the creation of money.
(Have you seen the conditions of such failed states as Sudan and Afghanistan? Is that your idea of a successful society with no government interference? After all, when the government is too weak to intervene, shouldn't the result be an example pure capitalism at work?)

3. Have you any idea of why social security, unemployment insurance, medicare, etc. were put into place? Have you any idea of just how bad things were during the Great Depression? They make the current recession look like a picnic.

4. BTW, some of the European countries that many call "socialist" are, in fact, more competitive than the U.S. and other "capitalist" countries are:,world-economic-forum-ranks-switzerland-most-competitive-economy.html
as well as being richer:
partly because of the U.S. tolerance of monopolies, etc.

5. There are people who are perfectly willing to sacrifice themselves and others for their beliefs. Suicide bombers are the obvious example.

Are you one of those who is willing to sacrifice yourself and millions of other people to your beliefs about the evils of socialism coming to the U.S.?